Chapter IV: What Happened? Where have you Gone? [Tya]

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Tya sighed as she saw everything unfold to her girlfriend. She stood and walked over to Kasey, her lips coming close to the other's ear as she spoke.

"Hey, it's going to be okay."


"I'm not lying. Just keep your head up and keep going."

"No, I can't anymore! It hurts way too much to even think about going on." Kasey then stood and knocked Tya back before bolting out of the room.


Tya then stood and shook her head as she sighed and looked at the classroom, it was all their fault that her girlfriend was being pushed over the edge and it wasn't fair. Kasey was the one thing that let Tya know that she was loved by someone else other than her parents. With a sigh, she then put her bag over her shoulder as the bell rang and went to her next hour. She knew that today was going to be a bitch but she had to get through it so that way she could help Kasey with the work she was missing for today since she had obviously gone home like she always does these days due to the harassment she dealt with everyday.

A/N: Gomosai if it's short, I don't have much time to work on this everyday so I update what I can do. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though.





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