Chapter VIII: Great.....Just Great [Tya] (Age Fifteen)

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A/N: Here, have a very emotional chapter that peeks into Tya and her past! -Walks away with tissues in hand-

She was nervous, who wouldn't be? This was the first time she had ever even talked to the beautiful female, Sonya had Tya in a trance and they both knew that Tya would be putty in her hands if she tried hard enough

"Um....hi Sonya"

"Hey, um...Tya right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"The way you look at me had me asking around" She then smirked as she pulled the other girl close to her and chuckled as she spoke in a very seductive tone "I had my eyes on you for a long time, would you date me beautiful?" No one knew that Sonya was actually abusive and no one was going to tell Tya in time to save her from a very abusive relationship.

"I would love to!"

The other girl had smirked at Tya and pulled her behind her roughly before bringing her to a wooded area and she spoke in such a malicious tone that it scared Tya and made her want to get away forever "So faggot, you will be my punching bag and I will do as I please with you. No one is to know and if I see you with a girl or if you disobey then I will make you wish we had never met, got it?" Tya was completely shocked. How could she even consider going along with this?

"Fine...." Had she really just say that? What the hell was wrong with her?

"Good,  your first beating is right now," and then Sonya began her onslaught of cruel names and punches that broke bones and caused horrid bleeding and pain. "Go home and say that you fell down her by accident and hit your head, got it?"

_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:Time Skip, three hours later:_:_:_:_

Tya had arrived home that night to a pair of very concerned parents since she looked like hell. She had rehearsed her lie so much that it rolled out, she had told her parents that she had fallen down a hill and landed in a forest, that was why she was so bloody and bruised. With a small sigh escaping her lips, her parents took her to the ER as she had a ton of broken bones and lacerations to the skin.

She had been in the hospital for three days and she was a regular there, always blaming it on clumsiness even though her parents had caught on to what might actually be happening

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, just please don't kill me for Sonya and her actions. I was thinking of doing a Q&A with each of the characters on a few things about them, please comment any questions you wish to ask them and please say which character is being asked.

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