Chapter XIV: What's Wrong? [Tya]

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Tya looked over at Kasey when she had entered the History classroom. Her schedule overlapped with Kasey's during first, second, third and sixth hour only. With a small smile playing across her lips, she sat next to the other female and spoke "Hey Kasey, are we still on for the arcade?"


"Why?" Tya was truly shocked that Kasey had decided that she wasn't going to the arcade with her after school.

What had caused such a change from second hour?

"I just can't, and don't worry if I don't make it to school tomorrow"

"Kasey....what did I do?"

"Nothing, just like I did"

What is she talking about? Is she really okay? I hope she is...but what if she isn't?

"Kasey, tell me what's wrong"

"Nothing, I just don't feel good," Tya had looked at the other girl with an eyebrow cocked up slightly as to question what the other girl had just told her. "Excuse me." Kasey then stood and walked up to the teacher before walking out of the room.

Strange...she must have the flu or something then.

The rest of the hour went without much happening to her. She sighed when the bell rang and grabbed her stuff before heading to Yearbook I. She enjoyed this class immensely but she couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. Shaking her head, she began to listen to Mrs.Freeman explain the reasoning behind the difference behind Implied Lines and Direct Lines. It was a rather boring speech and it caused the time to go by rather slowly, slower than Tya would have liked. When the bell finally rang, Tya was the first one out of the room. She had gone to lunch and sat down with Zendayia before speaking.

"Hey, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much Tya, and you?"

"I broke up with Sonya," That caused quite the ruckus to explode from Zendayia. The other female was practically spilling congratulations and telling her that Sonya was old news. "I wasn't finished speaking! Anyway...I was thinking it was a bad idea"

"No! She hurt you and called you a slut, she made you feel worse about yourself than before she had waltzed into your life for this power trip that she's on!"

"Power trip?"

"She was dating you only because you're popular, and now she doesn't need you."


"Yeah, fucking sick if you ask me." Zendayia then stood and dumped her tray before the bell rang.

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Time Skip:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

The rest of the day had been uneventful after the talk that Tya had with Zendayia. The brown-skinned girl had cleared everything up about what the relationship was to her and it disgusted Tya that she had even considered herself in love with someone as self-centered as Sonya. She was headed home in the car with her parents as they asked questions about her day and she answered them with ease. She sighed softly as she looked at her feet and told her parents the news.

"Mom, dad?"

"Yeah?" That was her dad, green eyes and black hair. If she had anyone in her life that looked like him other than her dad then it would have been extremely awkward even though it was a rather great look for girls or guys.

"Sonya used me for my popularity"

"Well then, don't talk to her anymore, and ignore her," That was her mom, Blue eyes and red hair. Her hair had actually impressed Tya until she found out her hair was sorta like hers. While her mom had curly hair, she had flat red hair that was rather troublesome to get into anything other than a French braid.

"Thanks mom"

A/N: And now, why do you think Kasey didn't want to go? (Answer will not be revealed until the chapter where it all begins to fall into place)





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