Chapter X: The First Scar [Kasey]

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Kasey shrugged her shoulders when Tya had asked her where they should go. She then gave a small smile that seemed kinda awkward since it was fake. Sonya's words were still echoing through her head with a vengeance against Kasey. With a small and inaudible sigh escaping her lips, she sat on the bench and looked over at the female That had so graciously offered to hang out with someone as ugly as her. She hated her body, the burn marks, the ash that's trapped in her hair, the permanently burnt tips, the rough texture of her hair and the sandpaper feel of her skin. She hated all of it, she wanted to be better, she wanted to be cared for not out of pity or greed for her inheritance. She wanted love, not that she felt that she was going to get it or anything.

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Time Skip, Two Hours, around 6pm:-:-:-:-:-:

Giving the redhead a final smile, she said said goodbye but was then stopped by Tya. "Yes Tya?" She was extremely curious about why this female had wanted to even hang out in the first place

"Can I have your number Kasey?"

"" She then pulled out her phone and smiled yet another awkward smile before speaking again "Can I see your phone really quick?"

"Oh, sure thing!" Tya then handed her phone to Kasey as she watched the female type in her number and then pocket her own phone "Thanks Kasey, maybe we can do this again sometime?"

"Sure," Kasey then gave Tya her phone back and walked away, heading to her house as she did so.

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-Time Skip, Ten Minutes. Kasey's House-:-:-:-:-:-:-

Kasey gave a small sigh as she walked up to her room and closed the door. She was trying her hardest to remember something good about today but each time she came close, Sonya invaded her thoughts with cruel and harsh words about her scars. Could no one see that she was already in enough pain to last most people a lifetime?

Why am I even alive? Are other people supposed to make me feel like this or are they simply doing so because they wish to do this to me? I don't know anymore, I just want it to stop.....just stop....just....stop the pain on the inside.....but how? I...I don't know anymore, someone help me please!

Tears began to roll down her face and drop from under her lips as she cried silently. Her violet eyes were trained on the floor as she continued to do so, the sheets on her bed beginning to get soaked by her tears, forcing the fabric to grow darker then they should.

Let's....stop the pain....that would be good, change the target....I want to be normal though

Kasey then stood and gritted her teeth as she walked downstairs and grabbed a kitchen knife before hiding it behind her back as she noticed her foster parents come in, though they looked like one large sound blob to her because of the fact she couldn't see without sound and the humming she was doing was bouncing off of them and coming back to her at the same pace

"Kasey, what are you doing?" That seemed to be her foster dad so she spoke

"Nothing dad, just hanging out in here, what about you?"

"Nothing, have fun" This time it was her mom, and at that cue they left. Kasey let out a relived sigh before rushing back up to her room with the knife behind her back and out of sight. She then opened the door to her room and walked in before closing and locking it. She then walked over to the bed and sat down with the knife in her hand, pushed against her wrist as she began to contemplate actually cutting into her skin.

Will this stop me from feeling so broken on the inside? I hope it does....but what of it don't? Only one way to find out.

Kasey then pushed harder into her flesh with the blade until she saw enough blood coming out. She knew that this hurt but not as much as the pain from those people words that had so deeply hurt her earlier today. With a wince, she began to cut into her wrist multiple times until it had bled rather deeply, then she turned her attention to the other wrist and began to do the same exact thing.

A/N: I know, a very depressing chapter. And just when you thought that Tya and Kasey were going to live happily ever after by this chapter. NOPE! I HAVE TO BE A GIANT JERK AND PULL THIS! YOU SHOULDN'T ASSUME EVERYTHING IN THIS STORY IS GOING TO GO PERFECT! -Cues sad music and evil laughter before walking away as Tya walks in-
Tya: Sorry about her, she has a cold and it makes her insane and depressed at the same time.

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