Chapter VII: Hate and Depression [Kasey]

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Kasey shook her head softly as she felt the stares on her back from the other students in her class as the teacher spoke to the class about the next project. Kasey had zoned out when she had heard that it had to do with something that she was rather good at. With a small nagging feeling entering her mind as she felt the horrid feelings and rude comments that Sonya had thrown at her for the past hour.

Am I really unimportant? Does no one care for me? Plead let someone answer my questions, please...

She gave a small and unheard whisper about how she didn't have a use for being her, unaware of the fact that her teacher had heard her mumble something but wasn't sure what it was. Kasey had looked up when the teacher had asked her to tell the class what she had said "Nothing sir, please forgive me for interuppting"

"Alright, just please let me inform them on their next project so that way I can assign you something a tad bit harder, alright?"

"Yes sir," the teacher then be game to continue what he had been saying. Unaware to anyone but Kasey, she had just muttered that she didn't want to make anyone feel hate towards her since she wasn't worth anything

Why am I still here? I wish I was with my REAL mom and dad, they actually cared about me. These new parents only care about the inheritance that they left behind. Fucking pigs.

With a small sigh escaping her lips, she watched the teacher as he began to explain something but she soon drowned him out with her music. The teacher then sighed when he was done and tapped on Kasey's shoulder, causing her to pull her earbuds out of her ears "Yes Professor Stein?"

"Would you mind making a few different Cd cases since the school needs them for the band?"

"Sure thing"

A/N: I feel loved right now since this story has a few hundred views! And the design and color teacher is the name of my design and teacher! I hope you guys like the book, I apologize if this chapter is sgprt but I am fairly new to writing so please don't be rude but if you can critique this then that would be great!!!

Have a beautiful day :)

The Color of Love and Why We Can't See ItDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora