Chapter V: Time and Despair [Kasey]

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The blonde haired female had been sleeping lightly and she wasn't really moving much in her sleep until Tya had laid her head on the crook of Kasey's neck. That was when the female woke up to a spooning position, her waist was being held and the breath of the other female was tickling her neck. She sighed softly and shook her head, trying to figure out how to get up without waking the other female. This didn't feel right to her, she had never had any sort of affection so of course she was scared. Hell, she was terrified!

This isn't right! She's a girl! But it still feels nice...NO! I'm not supposed to feel this towards another girl! People would just hate me even more.

She sighed again and put her head in her hands. She was trying her hardest to keep the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes hidden but her soft crying soon woke the other female. Immediately, Kasey pulled away harshly and spoke with a quivering voice.

"Tya...I have to go. This isn't right!"

"What are you talking about? We're friends. And lower your voice please."

"Friends don't spoon!"

" that.."

"Save it please. I... don't know what people will think...what if they hate me even more?"

"Why would anyone hate you."

Kasey had ignored the female as she continued to speak over Tya and her compliment. "Sonya said it herself, no one wants what's broken."

"Bullshit, you aren't broken!" Tya's voice had gone up slightly in volume. It was enough though, it knocked Kasey down to earth again.

"See you at school tomorrow."

"No, you're staying here!"

"No, bye Tya." And with that, Kasey left.

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Time Skip:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

Kasey arrived at her house later in the day. It was around six o'clock in her mind since she had taken a two or three hour nap. With a small sigh, she headed into her room and sat on her bed before pulling the knife from underneath her pillow before spinning it in her hands

Is it worth it? Is life worth all of this pain? I doubt it but...Tya told me I have to stay around for her. What do I do?

' Stop being a pussy and fucking shift through your feelings! Good Lord, is it that fucking hard?'

Yasek, leave me alone please, I guess I could do that though..thanks for the advice.

Kasey then put the knife back under her pillow and got up before grabbing some clothes. A extra large shirt that hung off of her frame with ease along with a pair of panties. She then shook her head and went to lock her door since she knew that it wasn't going to take much for her parents to walk in on her changing, and that would be awkward for her since she wasn't technically related to them. Peeling her old clothes off, she soon changed into her pajamas and crawled underneath the covers and stared at the ceiling before falling asleep a few moments later.

Gomosai of this was short! I wanted to show that Kasey is conflicting herself with her depression and her unknown feelings for Tya.





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