Chapter IV: I Have To Help [Tya]

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Oh....Kasey. You really someone don't you? Don't worry, I'll be right here.

Tya then walked up to the blonde and tapped her on the shoulder, which caused the other female to jump.


"Kasey, it's me."

"Oh...hey Tya. How much did you hear?"

"All of it, and you aren't going anywhere. I'm going to make sure of that Miss.Overdlae."

"Don't call me that, only my mom went by that name..."

"Sorry, now?"

"I don't know...I guess your house since my 'mom' thinks I'm going to be here all day," She put emphasis on the word mom since it notified the other that it wasn't actually her mom she was talking about.

"Okay. Take my hand." Tya then stood and helped Kasey off of the ground before walking with the other female back to her vehicle. She sighed and looked at the distressed female with a new light of understanding before smiling at how cute she looked. When they finally arrived at the car, Kasey climbed in and then Tya got behind the steering wheel before turning on the ignition

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-Time Skip, Ten Minutes Later:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

The two females arrived a tad bit later and when they did, Tya cut off the engine and looked over at Kasey, only to find her passed out in the seat. With a small smile playing across her lips again, she lifted up the other female and carried her into the house bridal style since she wasn't going to throw the poor girl over her shoulder.

Why does she have such little confidence in herself? Doesn't she know that her beauty passes over even my own. Everyone is just jealous so they take it out on her by laughing at her scars? What happened anyway?

Tya sighed as they reached the front door. She then opened it and walked up to her room before laying Kasey on her  bed before heading back downstairs to shut the front door of the house.

Whew...she seems so peaceful when she sleeps.

Tya then laid on the bed next to her and pulled her close as she hummed a soft tune and held her as close as possible without waking her up.

You guys deserve this little cutesy scene where Tya takes advantage of Kasey's deep sleep to cuddle with her.





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