Chapter 29: What Just Happened?

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It's Friday now and I'm anxiously waiting on Jaxon getting back. He called me a few hours ago to tell me that they were on the plane about to take off. They shouldn't be too long now.

I'm waiting in the kitchen with Winter. I can tell she's nervous since she keeps biting her nails, East thinks she's just excited for Jaxon to come back. But I know better, it's Damon she's nervous to see.

I still don't think anything's really come of that yet, just the little looks now and then and subtle jealous behaviour. I mean I don't blame them; Jaxon can be one scary guy and everyone knows how protective he is. I know it's frustrating but I think they're going to have to wait until Win's at least 18 for Jaxon to even consider it.

"Do you think they've landed yet?" Winter asks.

"I don't know, probably not, Jaxon said he would text me when they do." I reply, she just groans and goes back to biting her nails. I decide this would be a good time to talk to her about Damon since we're the only two in the house. East went to the base with Nova to train a little.

"You nervous for Damon coming back?" Her head immediately snaps in my direction with worried eyes.

"Is it that obvious?" poor girl, she really looks so worried.

I giggle, "Only a little but it's fine since it's only me. You know I won't say anything." She just sighs nodding her head.

"I have no idea why I'm so nervous. I mean he's been away before, for a lot longer than this, and yea I get a little nervous when he comes back but I'm never usually this bad." Poor girl, She's quite stressed about it.

"Has something happened between you guys recently?" She stares at me for a few seconds. It looks like she's deciding whether or not to tell me something.

"We kissed" She finally answers me.

"You What? Who is this fucker?"A voice roar behind me.


By the voice and the fear in Winter's eyes, I know exactly who that voice belongs to. I quickly swivvel around in my seat. My eyes are met with a very angry Jaxon Infront of me alongside a surprised Asher and a usual emotionless Damon. He's pretty good with that stoic face, never really gives anything away which is very handy right now.

"Well? Who the fuck is it?" Jaxon asks again, still angry.

I turn back around to look at a scared Winter, she opens her mouth but doesn't say anything. Deciding to help her out I spin around again and stand-up looking at Jaxon.

"Look calm down, she has a crush on a guy at school and he just pecked her on the lips, it's really no big deal honestly." I half lie, trying to help her case.

"I don't care if it was 'just a peck', no guy touches my baby sister let alone kisses her!" He rages. His face full of anger, he's actually pretty scary right now.

Winter suddenly rushes past us and out the door.

"Winter Lilly Macaluso get your ass back here now!" He fumes turning to go after her. I grab his arm before he can go any further.

"Don't even fucking think about it, calm the fuck down." I seethe at him. I understand he's angry but he's terrified his little sister and this isn't the way to go about things. He'll just make things worse if he goes after her now.

"Damon go make sure she's okay please." I say to him, knowing that he can calm her down.

"She's my little sister Alejandra I'll deal with her the way I want to." He says still angry, glaring at me. I give Asher a look and he scurries out. Poor guy most likely didn't want any part in this.

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