Off Limits Part 6

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Two days later...

I stir awake slowly. It takes me a few seconds to realize I am not in my bed, but, someone elses. And naked. Still on my stomach, I turn my head, to see Liam. I smile some. I see I must've rode his ass to sleep.

Liam, the DJ, and I have had a fling on and off for the past few months. When Michael and I started seeing each other, of course I cut ties. I briefly saw him a little before I met Ethan. Then, it stopped after Ethan and I were working on our relationship.

He was hella shocked to see my number on his phone about two nights ago. Of course, he gave me the run around, talking about: "What's up with you and that cornball I saw you with at Mike's party?" I had to roll my eyes when I responded back with, We're taking a break, not that it's any of your business.

Liam is very aware that what we share is strictly physical. He's not the best lover in bed. It sure beats the hell out of Ethan's game, that's for damn sure. I guess I like fucking with Liam because he doesn't get to attached and clingy like some dudes that can't take the hint. Not to mention when I need a favor, he's there in a heartbeat.

I just needed a break from Ethan. It's getting too weird being around him with his drug use, and strange episodes of snapping at any given moment. The man needs help. Help that I obviously cannot give him.

Carefully, I get out of bed. I manage to find my clothing that's thrown over different areas of the dark room. Once in my sundress, I head into the bathroom to place in my earrings. My makeup still smeared from the night before. I find my purse hanging on the doorknob where I left it. I tip toe towards it, throwing it over my shoulder. Liam is still sleeping. I see myself out, before he notices I'm gone...


Approaching the doors of my apartment, I grow uneasy. I see my door is left ajar. Could it be Ethan? If that's the case, why didn't he call me before coming by like he usually does? I step inside, and I scan the area...Nothing is found out of place. No sooner than I close the door behind myself, I hear a thud in my bedroom. My blood runs cold instantly...

Ethan? Is that you?

Nothing. I slowly tiptoe towards my bedroom...And the closer I get, the more I hear footsteps walking around. I hear several of my drawers opening. Who the hell is this, and what do they want?

I don't open the door immediately. There's a slight crack that I peep into to see what's going on. I instantly notice an unknown male. Brown-skin guy, standing about six feet tall. He wears a pair of jeans and a hoodie that covers his face and gloves.

My heart is pounding rapidly. Scared is an understatement. They've basically turned my room upside down at this point, looking for god knows what. Against my better judgment, I push the door open, allowing myself inside. The unknown man instantly looks in my direction, and I get a good view of his face.

"Who the hell are you, and why are you in my apartment!?"

"You've seen Ethan?"

Knowing this has something to do with Ethan leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I start through my room, scanning over just how messy it's become. My drawers are open. Papers are everywhere...The sheets on my bed scattered.

"I asked you a question!" He yells.

His voice stops me dead in my tracks. And when I look over, I see he pulls out a gun.

"I...I haven't seen him." My voice trembles.

My face is wet with tears. The guy starts towards me aiming the gun in my direction.

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