My Husband's Brother Pt. 5

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Despite my heartache, I wake up with a clear mind, and a smile on my face. I mean, why not smile? After all, it is my birthday. Immediately, I am awakened from texts from my mother, and sister. Both of whom wish me a happy birthday. I respond back instantly, thanking them and telling them how much I love them. After a hot shower and dressing for the day, I finally skip towards the kitchen. I notice that the place is quiet...Too quiet. Now that I think about it, I don't even think Michael returned this morning. Oh well...I guess him and Danielle had an amazing night together.

The last thing I want to do today is worry about men problems. I hear a knock on my door, and drop my phone on the counter. After the second knock, I open the door, to reveal no other than Veronica, wrapping her arms around me for a hug.

"Happy birthday, girlie!" She says, releasing me seconds later.


I see she carries something behind her back, as we stroll through to the living room.

"I have something for you."

She hands me a birthday gift bag and balloon. Giddy with excitement, I plop on the sofa. Veronica sits directly beside me. After pulling away the layers of wrapping paper, I finally reach the bottom where I see my gift. It's a picture of Veronica and I during our high school years, in a customized frame. The frame is pretty heavy and sturdy, holding real diamonds. We had just met when this photo was taken. I had no idea our friendship would have lasted this long, but I'm glad it has.

"Oh, it's beautiful Veronica. I forgot all about this picture. Where did you find it?"

"I was cleaning out some things and ran across it."

"I love it. Thanks girl."

We share a hug, before I place the frame on the table before me.

"Oh man, those were the good ol' days. I believe we had taken that photo in Mr. Campbell's class, our Chemistry teacher. Poor guy." I chuckle softly going over the details in my mind. "We put that man through something."

"Yeah we did. But he didn't seem to mind though." Veronica responds.

"Remember those cheerleaders that used to treat us like shit?" I roll my eyes, as reminiscing on the memory.

"Girl, how can I forget?" Veronica twists her face to a sour expression. "Jennifer and Stacy. They thought they were all that because they were varsity cheerleaders, with perfect bodies, and their hot jockey boyfriends...bitches."

"We got them good with that prank after school though."

"Yep. I still can't believe it was your idea to throw their clothes in the lake. They actually had to walk around the football field in big ass leaves."

We both laugh hysterically as going over the details of our mischievous high school memories. I wasn't the most popular in high school, nor was I the most stunning...But when I met Veronica, we seemed to vibe instantly. We were definitely the school rebels in a sense.

"Anyway...Where would you like to go today? I actually cleared my schedule for you." Veronica says.

"Aww, aren't you so sweet? Gold digging can be so exhausting. You deserve a break." I say jokingly.

"Oh hush." Veronica chuckles softly.

Our laughter dies out by the sound of the door knob turning slowly...Seconds later, it closes again, and we hear the sound of distant footsteps getting closer. I find myself becoming a little excited. Is it Bernard? If so, why didn't he call me to say he was on his way back? The mysterious person finally comes around the corner, only to be revealed Michael himself...He looks exhausted to say the least. And by his slight staggering, he has a hangover. His eyes are low from excessive tiredness...His shirt slightly opened, and wrinkled. I even notice a hint of red lipstick on his collar. Well, I see him and Danielle had a great time last night.

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