Phone Sex Pt. 10 *Finale*

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The faint noise of my phone vibrating pulls me from my sleep. At first, it feels like a dream; however, upon further awakening, I realize it is indeed real...My eyes adjust, only to find myself still in Michael's arms. I slowly ease out of his embrace, careful not to wake him. I go over to my dresser, where I find the call has just ended. I lift the device, going through my call log. It's my friend. I guess she's just calling to check on me. I call her back, and she immediately picks up after the first ring...

"Hello!" Her voice is full of enthusiasm.


"So, I take it you're not chopped up into a million pieces. Or, you're calling back to say your goodbyes."

We both laugh. I'm careful not to laugh too obnoxious, for I may wake up Michael.

"Is he everything you ever dreamed of?"

"You have no idea."

"That's good. He's handsome?"


"Did you two have sex?"


"That's my girl." She giggles. "Although, I have to say, you're still pretty stupid for traveling to meet some man you met on a phone chat line. He doesn't seem like a psycho, but what if he was? How was I going to explain this to your mother?"

By now I'm in the bathroom. I carefully close the door behind me, while continuing my conversation. I am careful to not wake him.

"Trust me...If you saw him, you'd take back everything you said."

"Can I get a full name, or what?"

"I wanna keep it a secret for now, if you don't mind."

"Oh...Excuse me."

My friend and I share our innermost secrets. But, I don't know if I can trust her enough to tell her who the mystery man is...Not for now at least. I look back at my reflection. My eyes slightly red, from the slumber I left not even five minutes ago. My high bun, now a little messy, from laying on it. I touch the beautiful diamond necklace, that hangs around my neck...I'll always cherish this, knowing Michael gave it to me.

"Just do me one favor, and let me know the minute you're back. I'm worried about you."

"Will do. I love you."

"I love you too."

I end the call by going back into the bedroom. Michael is now up. He lies against the headboard, with his fingers crossed over his chest...His eyes lock on me, by the time, I start through the room.

"Good Morning, beautiful." Michael yawns.

"Good Morning."

He sits on the edge of the bed...He runs his fingers through his hair while gathering himself from his sleep...The silence was so thick...Today our adventure ends. I start towards the closet, as I begin packing somethings...My flight leaves at noon, and not a moment later. I hear his feet gliding across the carpet in my direction.

"Everything okay?"

He sneaks up behind me...His hands wrap around my waist, as his face nestles into my neck...He places soft kisses along my ear lobe, down to my neck...

"It's just ending so soon."

"I know. But we have a few hours."

"Yeah, you're right."

"It felt so good having you in my arms last night. Do you know that? You make me feel so normal."

I turn towards him, and his lips brush against mine...He finally envelops his lips into mine...It was soft sensual and sweet...But things becoming abruptly interrupted by a loud knock on the hotel door...

"That's room service." He mumbles as walking away.

I hear him talking to the lady that was nice enough to bring us our food...He thanks her before closing the door behind her...I slip out of my clothes and pull my hair from my bun...I shake my head, allowing my hair to fall into place, so to speak...By the time Michael returns, I waste no time as to pressing my bare body against him...He was a little tense, seeing I threw him off guard...But he soon melts into my embrace...We fall back unto the bed, where he pulls off his clothes rather quickly...

The lovemaking was sweet and passionate...I could feel his love radiating on my skin, seducing my lips, and penetrating my flower, nurturing it...The look in his eyes said it all...And, dammit I love it.

It's now been two hours later, and the sheets are a mess. We're sweaty and panting. He grabs my hand, and I look over as our eyes meet...We share a smile.

"The foods cold." Michael laughs.

"We can warm it up."

He leans in kissing me tenderly...His hand caressing my bare back while doing so...After sex, we finally decide to go ahead and prepare to leave. After breakfast that we had to warm up, we pack our bags, leaving the hotel...The bodyguards help us with the bags, and we soon ride to the airport. We arrive just in time. Once at the entrance, the guards get out to help me with my bags...Michael couldn't get out, seeing his appearance would cause disorder.

"I can't wait to see you in October. And hopefully, we can spend the holidays together." Michael says, hopeful.

"Yes. We can do all of that."

"Give me a kiss."

I lean over, and he embraces me, for another kiss. I truly will miss him. October seems so far away; however, I'll count the days until his arrival. Our lips part, as our foreheads touch, basking at the moment.

"I love you."


I hear the guard banging rapidly on the window.

I hate to interrupt, but we have five minutes to get you on that plane. The guard yells.

Did he just say he loved me? I part my mouth to speak, but the guard opens the door...

"Miss? I'm sorry, but I don't want you to miss your flight."

He smirks at me, as I slide out of the limo...I am speechless...And when I board the plane, I replay those words into my head, over and over...He said he loved me.

The crazy thing is, all this time since meeting him, I've been suppressing how I've been feeling for him, in fear he would dismiss my feelings. Now knowing he feels the exact same way makes me not only a little nervous but excited. He was just brave enough to say it first...

I love you too, Michael.

I hope one day I can be just as brave saying it back. 

[The End]

Thank you guys so much for the love and support. <3

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