Phone Sex Pt. 2

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Whew, my feet are killing me!

Home sweet home. I slip out of my red bottom pumps, lightly kicking them out my way. I toss my handbag in the nearby animal print love seat, as I start through the foyer of my apartment...I'm pretty beat and aggravated. After the day I had, I can go for a glass of wine. I loosen the buttons on the wrist of my cream-colored silk ruffled dress shirt, which is neatly tucked into my black pencil skirt. I walk into the kitchen heading straight for my wine cabinet. I pull out the chardonnay, grab a glass, and pour a nice amount into it.

I warm up my leftovers from lunch. It was two pieces of broiled trout, with a baked potato, and steamed broccoli. I didn't have time to eat, seeing today was rather hectic at the office. After eating, I quickly wash the dishes. I pour myself another glass of wine.

I casually sip from my glass, as I walk back into the living room. I plop on the sofa, releasing a huge sigh. It feels good to just sit and relax. I down the rest of my wine before quickly pouring myself another glass. Luckily, I grabbed the bottle before sitting...After the third glass, I find myself rather tipsy...Pandora on my smart TV plays softly in the background music of the sexual genre. It's not until I'm halfway through the glass where I feel rather...horny.

I think back to last night and how good he made me feel. I want that feeling again. Damn...I think I may be a bit obsessed. Fuck it. After the day I had, dealing with an asshole for a boss, my body needs this. I remove what feels like the millions of pins I had in my hair for my high bun...My hair falls onto my shoulders, and I sigh in relief, gently messaging my temples.

Slightly, I stumble upward, starting towards the bookshelf. I grab the phone from the receiver. I couldn't make it back to the couch fast enough before I started dialing the chat room number...I check the clock over the fireplace...It's 11:15. Hopefully, he's on. He's the only one I'm willing to speak to tonight.

I go through the prompts already knowing a lot of desperate men are gonna want to live chat. Instead of giving them the time of day, I'll just politely skip over them...

I swear. It wasn't even five minutes I was on, that I get a request to live chat...with him. My heart skips a beat...I hit the button, and we're instantly connected.

"I've been waiting for you." He says.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. You've been on my mind all day."

"You were on my mind too. It was so hard concentrating behind my desk today."

"You sound tired."

"Stressed. Let's just say I have a boss who appears to get his rocks off by making me out to be an ass."

"He sounds like a creep. Sorry, you had to go through that."

"It's fine. Enough about me. Hopefully, your day was better than mine."

He chuckles as I hear a door closing. He seems to be walking outside. I know because I hear the sounds of the late-night critters sounding in the background. He grunts as though taking a seat getting comfortable.

"I went out to buy some groceries seeing that the pantry was low. I then went down to the studio. Mainly to check inventory. I then got my children from school, came home and did some gardening."

He has children? He owns a studio? Before I know it, I ask him.

"You have kids?"

He pauses...I guess he realized he shared more with me than intended. He breathes into the phone, speaking again.

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