My Husband's Brother

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Another boring cocktail party...I sit at my vanity, brushing through my hair for what feels like the hundredth time...I stare back at my saddened reflection, making sure every strand is in place. After all, I don't want to disappoint my husband. Don't get me wrong. I love dressing for my man. Wearing sexy outfits, keeping my appearance up...The whole nine yards. But lately, it feels like it's just a chore. Even the sex. I am growing tired of the role playing, only for him to end up on top of me, sweaty...Leaving me to orgasm zero times. Well, the good thing about it all is, I have the life every woman envies, or wants rather...Top floor penthouse, a BMW, Porsche, and when we go out, valet parking. Not to mention during the weekend, we go off on his yacht, into the sunset...It's a beautiful experience.

But even the most beautiful of things have an ugly side...

I hear the door open, and I quickly place down my brush. I take a puff of my cigarette, that slowly withers away in the ash tray.

"Honey, are you ready? We can't disappoint our guest."

My Husband starts towards me, already dressed for the evening, in his expensive tuxedo he purchased today. It fits him perfectly, even shedding a few pounds in the process...He meets my stare in the mirror, as standing directly behind me...He leans in, kissing my cheek. I place the cigarette to my lips again. I briefly glance down, seeing the marks of my red lipstick from where my lips once were...

"What I tell you about smoking these things?"

Bernard quickly grabs the cigarette, before putting it out in the ash tray. I roll my eyes, grateful he didn't see me. I finally peak over my shoulder. Our faces nearly touching.

"I'm sorry, baby. I smoke when I am under a lot of stress."

"You don't worry your pretty little head about anything. You let me do all the talking."

"And what you expect me to do?" I frown slightly.

"Be beautiful. That won't be hard, I know."

He quickly gets up, from his squat. That's when I hear a knock on the entrance door...

"That's the limo driver. I'll be at the entrance. Don't keep me waiting."

His voice becomes more demanding, as leaving the room. When the door closes, I finally catch my appearance in the mirror once again. The pain the person staring back at me has endured, no one will know. But, I can't dwell on that right now...I stand, grabbing my purse, before joining my husband to leave.

In less than ten minutes, we arrive at our destination. Apparently, Bernard's good friend is throwing a party just for the hell of it, and invited us. I remove my seat belt, waiting for the limo driver. I use this opportunity to check my make-up again.

"Please do not embarrass me." Bernard leans over whispering to me.

I glance over to his distasteful expression, and it makes my smile sour some...I can't believe he honestly thinks I will embarrass him...My thoughts are quickly put on hold when the limo door opens. The driver escorts me out. Bernard coming behind me...He grips my hand tightly, as we make our way to the three story mansion. Already the yard is full of cars, and people. We take the time to speak as continuing to walk towards the entrance...The sound of music can already be heard and we haven't even made it in yet.

No sooner than we make it inside, we are greeted by numerous people...Bernard is quite popular around here, due to his career, and the people he has worked with over the years. And as usual, I have some stares from those who don't even attempt to speak to me...Anyone that looks at me and Bernard can clearly see our intentions of marrying one another...First, is the obvious, he's fifty-eight, and I'm twenty-six. Second, is the fact we married after merely knowing one another after six months of dating...You do the math.

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