Phone Sex Pt. 5

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The day has come and went...Now it's late evening, and, I'm finishing the last load of laundry. After folding and putting clothes away, I vacuum and straighten out my living room. The ringing of my house phone startles me some...I check my clock, realizing it's rather late...Who could be calling this late? It can't be him. He doesn't even know my home number. After the second ring, I answer the call. I'm shocked who's on the other end...It's my boss. Or should I say, former boss? What could he possibly want?

"I'm sorry to call you so late." He starts.

"It's alright. Is everything okay?"

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day. I was out of line. And in the process, I lost a good, hard worker."

There's a pause...Is he really calling to apologize? One thing about my boss, he never likes to admit when he's wrong. So, this is huge.

"Thank you. That means a lot coming from you."

"One more thing. The intern job is still open if you want it."

"Yes, I do!"

"Good. I hope to see you in the morning then."

I can't place the phone back on the hook fast enough, because I'm so giddy with excitement. I even do a little happy dance. The celebration is soon short-lived though...I hear intense thundering. And when I approach my window, I see the rain falling rapidly. This is one of the things I hate about living by myself. I hate thunderstorms. In five minutes, the rain begins to pound, and sharp bolts of lightning come from every direction. And my worse fear comes to the surface...The lights go out. Just great...

I grab my phone seeing there is already a flashlight installed into it. I head straight for my room, going into my closet. I find the box where I keep emergency supplies. Upon grabbing it, I search through to find everything I need from candles, matches, an extra flashlight, and even an oil lamp.

I use the next twenty minutes to set the candles up in my room, seeing this is where I'll mainly be for the remainder of the night. By now the rain has calmed down some...I do hear occasional thundering every so often though. I slip into something a bit more...risqué. A black negligee, with some thigh-high stockings. No panties. I stand in the mirror combing my hair in place when my phone begins to ring. I happily skip towards the nightstand where my phone is...It's him. I lay across the bed, before hitting that answer button.

"Hi there." He coos.


"I missed you."

"I missed you as well."

"What are you doing, baby?"

"Lying across the bed. All my lights are out from this bad thunderstorm."

"Oh, that sucks. I'll stay on as long as you need me to. You know that right?"

"I know. And I appreciate you for being so concerned."

"Of course."

"How was your day?"

He groans as I hear his feet shuffling.

"Hold on, let me take off this tie." He says before putting the phone down. He soon comes back afterward.

"That's better." He starts. "My day was...long. So many meetings back to back, and so much driving. I'm honestly just glad to be back in my hotel room, talking to you."

"You sound like a very busy man. I like that."

"I like my work. That's why, if you were mine, you wouldn't have to worry about anything. I'll give you whatever your sweet heart desires."

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