My Husband's Brother Pt. 12 *Finale*

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Bernard died the way he lived his life: Alone. It didn't take long for news reporters to take the story on the rise, and great fall of Charlotte's well-known Bernard Jackson. So many was shocked at the secret life he managed to keep tucked away. When we had his funeral, hardly anyone showed up. I did reach out to his daughter, my niece. She's just happy the truth was out about her dad, and her mother can finally be at peace. Once word got out about him being a murderer, his reputation was torn to shreds. Despite the negative feedback, my father and mother did have a service and bury Bernard.

I haven't really spoken with my parents since the funeral. I figured they needed time to deal with his passing, and the fact I was the last one with him before he died. I can still see his face while placing that knife to my neck. It often haunts me.

I pack the last of my things in the brown box. I look around my office...It's completely empty. I carry the box through the vacant studio. Once at the door, I place the FOR SALE sign in the window. I got an opportunity to go international with my photography. I'll be moving my business to Europe.

It's time for me to start over anyways...There are too many memories that linger here. I hear the door to the studio open...When I look up, I see it's my mother.

"Mother. Hey. It's good to see you."

She looks worried. She approaches me, giving me a hug. I wrap my arms around her lovingly.

"I couldn't let you leave without telling you goodbye."

"I thought you hated me."

She looks at me once we separate. "Never. I was just...confused."

She grabs my hand, as wiping her tears.

"I don't blame you for Bernard's death. Neither does your father. We both know he wasn't the easiest to get along with."

We both chuckle softly. She then caresses the side of my face.

"I want you to do well. Please send me a postcard."

"Yes ma'am."

We say out final goodbyes before she parts ways. I grab the box, heading out of the studio as giving it it once last glance...It was fun while it lasted...

I stop by my P.O box to retrieve the last of my mail...I notice a package marked PRIVATE. I glance over my shoulder, making sure no one was looking...I then open the package, having a pretty good idea whom it is from. I pull out a wad of photos...Many of my twins, whom are now two months. Gosh, they are steady growing! The boy is really starting to look like me. And the girl, like Janice...I miss them so much.

This opportunity to relocate couldn't come at a better time. I'm ready to reunite with my family, and Janice can't come back to the states, seeing she's faked her death. So, this is a perfect time for us to start over.

I tuck away the pictures, before leaving the apartment complex. The cab drops me off at the airport. Leaving the states has left me to sell pretty much everything. So, I have a nice lump sum of money to fly a first-class ticket.

Italy (Park Villas)

The country part of Italy is something that I thoroughly enjoyed during my time of being a secret agent. It was quiet, reserved, and not a house for miles...The studio I've opened here is about a ten minute drive from here, which isn't bad at all...I look out the window of my cab, and really take in the beautiful vista. It's so breathtaking...I glance down at my directions to make sure I don't miss it.

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