Phone Sex Pt. 7

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The day has finally arrived...In a few hours, I'll be meeting Sex Therapy...better known as Michael. I still can't believe I'm doing this. For the past two days, I've been seriously thinking about changing my mind on this matter...I must be crazy...How many women in their right mind, will actually travel three and a half hours to Las Vegas, just to see some man they've been moaning over the phone with? I've never seen this man's face, don't know his last name, hell, as far as I'm concerned, he could be a serial killer...

Yeah, I must be insane...

Earlier today, I went to the mailbox. Doing my normal morning routine...I saw the letter that Michael was talking about sending me...An all-expense-paid plane ticket to fly out to Vegas...It's official. The plan is to spend the entire weekend in a luxury hotel he had picked out for just the two of us...However, if things don't go as planned, and if neither one of us is satisfied, we were okay with leaving, no hard feelings.

I slip into a pair of yoga pants, with a fitted top. My hair back in a ponytail, and I slip on a pair of shades and hoop earrings. I won't dress until I'm actually at the hotel...I pack away the last minor necessities into my suitcase. The only person who knows of my leaving is one of my closest friends. She thinks I'm crazy too...But I told her if she doesn't hear from me by Monday, then she should panic.

God, please don't let this man be crazy...

I go through the apartment making sure everything was off, and nothing was on the stove. By the time I reach the doorway, I do a final glance over the apartment...I sigh deeply...This is it.

I drive to San Jose International Airport, heading straight for first class. Once boarding the plane, my mouth drops in absolute shock...So luxurious. Everything from reclining seats, a spiral staircase, leading to another area of the plane, a flat-screen tv, and an all-you-can-eat buffet...It's obvious he paid a pretty penny for this. In my years of riding in my plane, this is my first time in first class. It was only me and one other person here...I guess because the tickets were so expensive. The flight attendant escorts me to my seat.

"Would you like anything, miss?"

"Not at this moment."

"Well, call me when you need me. And thank you for choosing us to serve you."

The lady then walks off. I decide to relax in the recliner, as scrolling through my phone...We have not yet taken off...Suddenly, the same flight attendant approaches me, this time holding a bouquet of long-stemmed roses.

"These are for me?" I ask in shock.

"Yes ma'am. The gentleman requested that we give these to you once you were settled."

I take the roses, sniffing them briefly...The lady goes back to her normal duties. I then notice a huge card hanging from them...I take the card, seeing my name marked on the yellow envelope. I smile, pulling the card out. I notice the hearts on it, before opening it fully...

Unfortunately, I won't be able to meet you at the hotel, seeing I'll be in meetings all day; however, I'll be accompanying you this evening. Don't forget. The hotel number is 1026. The clerk will give you the key once you arrive. I can't wait to see you.


I tuck the card away, before taking the roses...I told him they were my favorite flowers, and he remembered...All of this is so surreal, and I'm too excited to take a nap. Soon, the flight attendant goes over the rules and guidelines...She even tells us to put our phones on airplane mode...Five minutes later, we're taking off...

Miss? We've arrived.

I feel a light tap on my shoulder, only to wake up and see the flight attendant standing over me. She walks off, and I let out a soft yawn...I make my way off the plane, as I go to get my luggage...There are so many people around me. He said there would be a limo waiting for me once I've landed. I search through the crowd every which way...Then, I notice the long, stretched limo, then the buff driver. He holds up a wide cardboard, with my name on it. I approach the vehicle, a little timid...

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