Phone Sex Pt. 3

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It's another long day at the office...The phones are ringing off the hook at different cubicles, and people seem to be running around here like a headless chicken. I, on the other hand, am in my own nirvana. Not even my boss can bring me down today. I'm in the workroom, waiting for the Keurig to finish brewing the coffee he requested. Dark roasted with two sugars. The smell rises, awakening my senses. It smells heavenly. After adding the two sugars, I stir them before making my way back to his office.

I return to find his door ajar. As coming in, I notice he's on the phone. Judging by the conversation, it's nothing important, or work-related for that matter...I start towards his desk. I become startled by his loud and obnoxious laughter, and I nearly spill his coffee...It's not until I sit his drink down on his untidy desk, where he finally meets eyes with me. His facial expression was rushing me out of the office, so he could finish talking. I can't stand this jerk.

"You need anything else, sir?" I ask, in my formal tone.

"I'll call you when I need you." He waves me off.

I start towards the door, where he calls me once again. I quickly turn.

"Close the door on your way out, will ya?"

I hate how he treats me more like a servant than an intern. It gets worse when we have those big corporate guys come by. He is actually an angel now, compared to when they arrive. He embarrassed me so badly one time, I had to go to the bathroom and cry. I've been hearing rumors from the other co-workers around here, about him, though I don't know whether or not they're true. The rumor is, he tries and sleeps with all of his interns, and that's why the job position is always open. There isn't any proof to show this is true. Being that I've been working here only five months, I can attest nothing has happened as of yet.

The rest of the day runs smooth, to my surprise. And five'oclock was approaching, which means I would be heading home. Great. I can run to the grocery store, and grab some things for dinner. I begin straightening off my cubicle, even shutting down my computer. I look up when I hear footsteps approaching my desk. It's my boss. I straighten my posture instantly.

"May I help you?" I look at the files of paperwork in his hands, before quickly looking back at him.

"These need to be filed."

He drops the stacks of paperwork on my desk, causing a loud thump. Oh no...

"Sir, I'm off the clock. You promised I could leave early today."

"I don't care. Now, get to work!"

He causes a scene. Some people in their nearby cubicles stare in desperation. I even hear one person say Oooo...Nodding my head, I remove my glasses.

"What's the matter? Do you have wax built up in your ears? Get to work!"

That's it...I need the money, but not this bad. I get up, standing toe to toe with him. He's a little shocked, yet doesn't back down at my reaction.

"No. I will not file these papers. You know why? I specifically came into your office and asked was there anything else you needed me to do. These exact files were laying on your messy ass desk, and you told me you would call me when you needed me before waving me out of your office. So no. I will not file those damn papers, sir."

The entire office is silent and everyone now has eyes on us. He was embarrassed and didn't want to look like an ass in front of everyone. I grab my bags, not waiting for his response. It's not until I walk past him where he decides to speak.

"Great. Pick up your last paycheck tomorrow. You're fired."

I stop dead in my tracks, but only briefly. I hear another Oooo...It hit me hard; however, I don't stop until I'm out of the building and in my car.

After grocery shopping, I drive back home to my apartment. It's a little past eight by now. I make several trips back and forth from my car to my apartment with groceries. I leave out the things I plan on cooking for tonight. I'm feeling some vegetable lo mein with spring rolls. As the food simmers on the stove, I start through the newspaper I had gotten this morning. I look through the job section for any positions available...I circle the potential few, though not many. I'll definitely start the job hunt tomorrow.

As standing over the stove, I can't help but imagine myself cooking dinner for Sex Therapy. I picture he's on his way home from a business trip. It's been days since we have last seen each other. I'm in the kitchen, wearing his favorite lingerie, heels, and an apron. My hair falling in beautiful curls, and my makeup was done right. He can't get through the door fast enough, and we're already in a lover's embrace, kissing frantically...One hand is pressed against the small of my back, and the other squeezes my ass. The hardness of his cock presses against my pussy lips, begging to be set free...I imagine dinner would probably be burnt, by the time he has my legs spread, him kneeling before me, as fucking me into oblivion...That's so hot to think about...I wonder what he's up to now? I wanted to ask him where exactly out of town he was going, but I didn't wanna seem like I was getting in his personal business.

I finish dinner, shower, and lay practically naked across my bed, in nothing by an oversized t-shirt. I reach for my phone on the nightstand and my heart rate increases...My stomach twist in knots and my hands are a bit clammy. Why am I so nervous? We've done this so many times before. Maybe because it feels a bit personal...We are no longer hiding behind a chatline. This is his number. I swallow hard, seeing my throat is rather dry. In my next breath, I hit the call button. Here goes nothing...

The phone rings about three times, no answer. I feel a bit relieved but also worried. Maybe he's grown bored of me and wants to let me down easily...After the fourth ring, I attempt to hang up. That's until I hear the phone being answered. Though he doesn't answer right away, there is complete silence. I decide to make the first move.

"Hello?" I say in my sweet seductive tone.

However, the tone on the other end was not him, and definitely wasn't a man's voice. Rather a female. My heart drops instantly.

"Hello? Who is this?"

Oh shit...I should've known. I can feel my heart fluttering at a fast rate. I can barely keep my phone steady as the sweat from my palms doesn't leave it steady.

"Are you the woman that's been talking to my man?"

She sounds pissed. And every right she should. I'm more upset with him. He lied to me.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I guess I have the wrong number." I play it off, hoping it would work.

"Yeah, I'm sure you did." Her tone is very sarcastic. "Don't call this number anymore."

I hang up, throwing the phone on the nightstand. Dammit! As if this day can't get any worse...Well, I guess a cheater's a cheater. I just hate I had to find out this way...

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