Off Limits Part 8

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 After the last two weeks of dealing with Ella, I am happy to be back home. The moment I came back, I made sure I invested into a DIY home security system. The complex I stay in isn't too keen on professional installers selling to apartment dwellers which is stupid. That's one of the reasons I hate living in this place. Yes, the rent is decent...But incidents like breaking and entering and/or theft is usually glossed over...Unfortunately, I think it has a lot to do with this building housing mostly black people. We basically have to look after ourselves.

I would rather be here than putting up with Ella. After the third day of being there, I knew the arrangement wasn't going to work, and that I needed to make plans to come back home. If she wasn't giving me dirty glances, she was making sure I knew her and Michael were there...Let's just say, she kept me up several times during the night. She even tried to accuse me of stealing her money. I remember her leaving forty dollars on the counter one morning before going to work. I made sure I handed it to her before she walked out the door. When she got home that night, she made a scene, in front of Michael of course...

She called me everything but the child of god. What really made her irritated is that I wasn't backing down from her bullying. A few hours later, she came to my room where I was eating dinner and apologized. "Girl, I misplaced the money in my pocketbook. I hope you can forgive me." Oh yeah...whenever Michael came over for dinner, which was every night I was there, she made me eat my dinner in my room. Honestly, I didn't mind. I liked my alone time. And there were a few nights I ate out just so I didn't have to come home to her bullshit.

It was obvious Michael was upset with her behavior. The little alone time we did have which was rare, he made sure to express his concern. After that incident with the money, Ella stepped out to make a phone call...Michael saw me crying, and approached me instantly...

"I know you didn't steal that money." He touches my shoulder gently...

"Well, at least you believe me. What's her problem?" I sob.

"I'll try and talk some sense into her."

Anyway, when I came back home, of course Ethan has been calling non-stop. I finally decided to put him out of his misery after ignoring him since being at Ella's. Surprisingly, he confessed to everything. He said he knew the guy that came by my apartment that day and he did in fact owe him drug money and was behind on his payment.

There was yelling match amongst the both of us. Eventually, it led to me breaking things off with him. He wasn't too happy with my decision obviously...I will always care for Ethan. But I refuse to be with a man who sees nothing wrong with putting the woman he supposedly loves in harms way. I just pray he gets the help he needs with his addiction.

Halloween is right around the corner, and I am excited. It's one of my favorite holidays. People get excited for Christmas...Me, I love anything spooky. I remember my grandmother would joke with me and say that I was witch in a past life. That's how much I love Halloween. Liam invited me to a Halloween party at a club he's DJing at that night. He made sure to throw in that the tickets are VIP. I think I will take him up on his offer.

I found out through a mutual friend of both Ella and myself, that Ella's planning a Halloween party this weekend. It's the same day Liam wants me to go with him. The friend made sure to tell me that Ella didn't want to invite me because she didn't feel comfortable with me being there...I had to roll my eyes at that statement. Is she this mad at me that she's bashing me around others? I couldn't care less about being at her party. I might've avoided having my head chopped off because the fruit punch didn't have enough alcohol in it. That explains why she seemed so elated when I moved out her house nearly a week ago. The feeling was mutual.

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