Off Limits Part 10

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Arriving at the now empty parking lot, my eyes go directly to the big sign right outside the building.

Jackson Enterprise Music-Instrumental, Vocal, Piano & Studio

"You own a music studio!?" I say as removing my seat belt.

"Yes. I am a music producer. My father and I own a studio together out in California. This one is my own. I wanted to branch off. If you look on the back labels on some of your favorite albums, you've probably seen Jackson Enterprise Music that's our label."

"Holy shit! I've seen it now that I think about it."

"Allow me to give you a tour."

I am impressed. Michael and I make our way to the building. He pulls out his key and we walk inside. Michael flickers on a few lights as I look around the decorated lobby area. It was a bit cold. Michael also shivers also as he heads to the thermostat to turn on the heat.

"It should be warm in no time."

Though it looks relatively small on the outside, the inside has so many rooms and is incredibly spacious. There are at least three music classrooms. Michael explained to me how they've recently started an afterschool program for children who are interested in learning about music. The range of lessons is anything from vocal lessons, learning musical instruments, or studying musical notes themselves. Those on his staff include former music teachers, some who were part of Opera performances, and he has even had special guests that are celebrity singers he has worked with over the years, to come and talk to the children and be an inspiration. He showed me the auditorium they have, to host musical events for his students. He told me he has been currently working with them on a Christmas performance they are doing sometime next month.

"This is great, Michael. What you are doing for these kids...Not only is it helping them with their creative side, but it's getting them off the streets."

"I'm trying. We had this one kid earlier in the year. He really had a chip on his shoulder. In and out of foster homes, temperamental...His teacher from school talked to me about letting him join the program. I agreed. We had a rough start, but now he really likes it. His teacher has even told me his grades are starting to improve."

We approach another room...Michael looks over his shoulder at me.

"I wanted to save the best for last. Come."

He escorts me into the next room, which is pitch black...He quickly turns on the lights and my face lights up in awe. A real-life studio is before me. This is my first time seeing a music studio besides on TV.

The charcoal walls have thick black speakers mounted into them. Four on each side of me. As I look ahead, I see a long, stretched-out table. There are so many buttons and more speakers. I notice the large, grand piano sitting on the far right of the room, along with a drum set and other instruments. To the left by the tables with various studio equipment and buttons, stands a large bookshelf. A large couch rests against the wall a few feet away from the table. Beyond the table, I notice the large window. Inside, is where I see a large microphone hangs, mounted from the wall. There's also a stool in there.

"This is where the magic happens." Michael leans in whispering into my ear.

"You don't say..."

He starts in front of me, taking a seat at the office chair by the table.

"Have a seat next to me...Don't be shy."

I do as he says. He begins messing with a few buttons.

"I've been secretly working with another artist on their upcoming album. We've been having private sessions here, mostly on weekends, working crazy hours. But, it's coming together nicely."

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