My Husband's Brother Pt. 2

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We walk through the doors of our penthouse. I am exhausted. I check the clock above the fireplace once fully inside the residence. It's 1:45 in the morning to be exact. Bernard has already went on to the bedroom. After removing my heels, I slowly trail towards the bedroom...I hear the slight rustle of Bernard removing his clothes, followed by heavy breathing. By the time I enter the room, Bernard, has tossed his used clothing in a nearby chair. He appears before me in only his boxers. He quickly turns in my direction once hearing my footsteps. His eyes light up in excitement. I can practically see the lust leaking from his body...

He towers over me, before leaning forward for a soft kiss on my lips...He walks, making me softly walk backwards. We don't stop until I'm backed into the wall. He cups the side of my face, before kissing me once more...This time, the kiss is more profound, and heavy...He moans softly, before pushing himself on me...It's not until he starts down my neck, when, I sigh deeply, even moaning some...My eyes open to a temporary hazy glance, before they open completely...I realize I can't do this...

"Baby, stop!" I mumble as slightly pushing him away.

"Don't be like that." He breaks away, before starting for my lips again.

I quickly dodge his lips, and even push him away from me...I walk through the room, not stopping until I reach the bed.

"What the hell is your problem!?" Bernard approaches me, furious.

I bite into my lips softly...Should I tell him? I rub my hands together nervously, contemplating on my decision...And when I hear Bernard's impatient sigh, I make a haste decision.

"I want you to tell me the truth, Bernard. Where is your daughter?"

My question obviously confuses him at first...But, that confusion soon turns into rage...He slightly paces the floor.

"Answer my question!" I yell.

"You've been talking to Jaqueline." He says as looking over at me.

"Does it matter? You lied to me! More importantly, you lied about the death of your child. Why?"

"I told that bitch to mind her fucking business."

He slips into his pants he had just gotten out of just minutes before. He starts out of the room, but, I dash before him, stopping him from moving further.

"You're not going anywhere. I want to know the truth!"

"We will discuss this in the morning." He simply says. "Now, please move out of my way."

"How could you abandon your daughter that way? Leave her like that, not knowing her father, and leaving the mother to struggle? Would you do me the same way if I was to ever get pregnant?"

"Mind your fucking business!"

The word "fucking" could not part from his lips quick enough before the back of his hand met my face. The force was so strong, and caught me off guard, that, I flew against the wall. I touch the side of my face instantly, and, the stinging sensation is confirmation that I was not hallucinating, and was in fact hit. The tears running down my face was making it no better...I see Bernard standing before me. He was even shocked at his sudden reaction, seeing he has not laid a finger on me until now...

"I'm sorry." He mumbles, coming towards me.

"Don't you touch me!" My voice is stern with warning.

He quickly backs away. He grabs his shirt on the chair, and hurries out of the room.

I wake up, and it takes me a moment to adjust to where I am. I forgot I cried myself to sleep on the floor for a mere second. I slowly rise from the floor, standing. My heart is heavy, and my heart aches. Not only is the news of Bernard's infidelity overwhelming, but now learning of his secret child is the icing on this shit cake. I gather up some clothing, before locking myself in the bathroom for a shower. After getting ready for the day, I walk through the penthouse, thinking Bernard has already left for the day. Hearing him speaking from his closed office door shows me otherwise.

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