Off Limits Part 16

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Warning: The following chapter contains graphic sex scenes. 18+  Only!

"Sweetie? Your friend Michael is here to see you." My mom announces whilst smiling.

She is making it no secret that she finds him attractive. I swear, if my dad saw this, he would be flipping out...

"Um, thanks, mom. I got it from here," I say while slightly guiding her away from Michael and me.

When she finally gets some distance between us, I focus back on Michael.

"Here." He hands me the bouquet of flowers.

"Thanks. They're beautiful." I say in a clipped tone.

I take the flowers. They are beautiful. And, they smell amazing...It still doesn't change the hard decision I had to make when it comes to Michael. And that is to leave him alone.

After Ella and I had our fight, she blocked me on all of her social media pages. But, there was one account she forgot to block me on...And, I just so happened to be scrolling through my page one day when I saw her post. She was talking about how excited she was for her trip to Michigan with the family and...Michael. They even did a post together, kissing just two days ago. Ella made the caption: No obstacle or bitter bitch will destroy the love we have. Not that I am stalking them, it was just an observation, letting me know it's time I move on...

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be more excited about the flowers." Michael says.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Michigan? Your girlfriends' expecting you." I say in a sarcastic tone.

"I leave for my flight in a few hours. I-I wanted to see you before I left."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "If you love her, go be with her," I say while pushing the flowers in his face.

"Toni, please," Michael begs.

He gently pushes the bouquet into my embrace. I take them reluctantly.

I am angry...Pissed. I wasn't expecting him to drop everything and run off with me...But, for him to just run back into her arms, after everything that has happened, hurts.

"You have no idea how hard this is for me." He sighs.

"And what about me!? You didn't even call and check to see how I was doing. It slapped me dead in my face on social media. Do you even know how that made me feel!?"

He doesn't respond. As I observe Michael, I notice something It's almost like there's something he needs to say, but can't find the words...Or, won't say the words.

"How did you even know I was here?" I ask, breaking him out of his deep state of concentration.

"I remember you talking about your father's restaurant at the studio. When I saw you weren't home, I had a hunch to come by here. Also, I wanted to give you this."

He reaches into his pocket. Finally, he fishes it out, handing it to me.

"My grandmother's earring!" I smile upon taking it.

"I had to be on the under while finding it. Ella made sure she hid it well. I know how much they mean to you."

"Oh, Michael. Thank you! I appreciate it."

"You're welcome."

"Since you're here, you want me to fix you a plate?"

"No, no. I should get going. I want to try and get some rest before I leave."

"Okay then," I say in disappointment. "Thanks again for the beautiful flowers...And my earring."

"Anytime. Can I have a hug? With this being my last time, I'll see you for a while and all."

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