Off Limits Part 4

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Warning: The following has scenes of violence and drug use. Please read with caution. 


It's a little before noon the following day. I arrive at Ella's home. She called me this morning, saying she wanted to see me. She didn't tell me exactly for what. I exit my car as walking up the gravel driveway and towards the entrance. I knock a good two times, before the door is opened on the other end...

There, I see Ella. All bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Way different reaction I was expecting, giving the state she was in last night. I thought she'd still be in bed with a serious hangover. Regardless, I'm glad to see her up and about.

"Toni! Looking beautiful, as always. Come on in."

We walk through her house. I hear the sliding of her furry pink bedroom slippers scraping across the floor. She's still in her house robe, with a silk scarf tied neatly around her head. We meet up in the kitchen, where I have a seat at the island counter. She goes on to fixing her a cup of coffee.

"Want some coffee?" She offers.


She fixes me a cup. Right after getting hers, she takes a seat beside me...She was so, happy. Way happier than normal. It was so...eerie.

"I didn't want much, really. I just had to see you to thank you personally. After everything you did for me yesterday with the party, you truly are an amazing friend. I owe you my life."

"It was nothing. We're girls. Practically sisters."

She leans over hugging me...Even her hug felt off...I take another sip of my coffee when I hear a loud thump coming from upstairs. It sounded like someone fell. I raise from my seat, as looking up towards the ceiling.

"Oh, don't pay that no mind. Michael's probably just waking up." She says as guiding me to sit back down."

Toni, be careful! This bitch is crazy! She has me tied up, and she has a gun!

"What the fuck's going on!?"

Out of nowhere, I feel a cold barrel being pushed into my forehead...I raise my hands, as I back away from the island counter...Ella continues to slowly push me with her gun. Her eyes narrowed on me. Ready to shoot at any given moment...

"I know. I know you and Michael been fucking behind my back."

I feel numb...My limbs feel weak. My stomach is nauseous. The day I've dreaded the most is finally here...My worst nightmares were coming true. Her expression was blank...She was ruthless and wanted revenge.

"You think I wouldn't have found out, huh? Thought you could keep this a secret, while still grinning up in my face, like the fake ass bitch that you are?"

"Ella, I swear. It wasn't like that."

"Fuck that!" She pushes the barrel harder into my forehead...

I feel a wall behind me, which makes me stop...Tears begin to run down her face.

"How long, huh? And don't fucking lie to me!"

"A little over a month. But, I swear, I, I didn't know you two were—"

"Bullshit! If that's the case, why didn't you just say something that night at the restaurant?"

"I didn't think you'd believe me!"

Ella, don't!

I look over to see Michael has come down the stairs. He's out of breath, sweaty...He was in his attire from the party...His clothing was torn. His shirt bloody as though he'd been stabbed. She directs her attention to Michael, shocked he managed to escape.

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