My Husband's Brother Part 6

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It was after seven the following morning. Somehow after a few drinks, we managed to make it back to Michael's room. I wake up to a slight headache. But that's not the only part of my body that hurts...My thighs are sore. Not to mention there's a hickie on my breast. I stare up at the ceiling. The cool blast of air caressing my naked body, and hardening my nipples...I pull the thin sheet, to cover myself, not stopping until my nipples were covered. Then, I feel a familiar touch...A hand, that gently removes the sheet from my breast before, cupping it into his hand.

"Leave it like that." He says.

His voice is groggy, as he lays facing me...I turn my head and our faces meet, before we share a soft peck.

"But I'm cold." I whine.

"Not for long..."

The closer he slides, the lower his hand goes. Which means the sheet was leaving my body once more. He doesn't stop until he reaches my womanhood. I feel myself quiver, and my internal flame flickering...The thought of what he'd do to me, sends a delicious wave of hotness between my thighs...

"Open your legs."

His voice more erotic, verging on demanding. It was hot. It was sensual. I spread my thighs, and his fingers dip into my entrance...He lightly strokes my clit with his thumb as he slowly fingers me...I bite into my lip hard. I close my eyes, enjoying the sweet moment...

"You're so wet. I like that." He whispers into my ear.

"Oh, Michael...Every time you touch me..." I start.

"What? Say it."

He thumbs my clit a little faster...My begin breathing a little faster. God it feels so good!

"What if I do this?"

In a swift motion he removes his hand, and straddles on top of me. He pushes the sheets aside, spreading my thighs, before kissing my thighs, my lips, then my clit...He blows gently against my hot flesh, while skillfully stroking me. He works his tongue up and down, left and right, before sucking harder...I was breathless, lightheaded, yet so blissfully pleasured, then I yell, in an orgasmic bliss...

Michael comes back up, and we share a heated kiss...I feel his hard cock pressing against me. My hands skim up and down his back, before we pull away...Our eyes catch one another's when...I notice something in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, touching his face.

Something was definitely on his mind. What exactly, I don't know...


He slips off the bed, finding his boxers on the floor nearby before slipping into them. Then, his robe. I manage to get off the bed. I have the sheets wrapped around me, as I touch Michael's shoulder.

"Talk to me."

He stops, turning towards me. He grabs my arms gently, as leading me to sit on the edge of the bed with him...

"I get it. You're high maintenance. You like the finer things in life. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But, what if I can't give you all of that? You see how I'm living at the moment. I'm nowhere as rich as my brother. I'm staying here, trying to rebuild myself...Baby, I don't want to put you through that. You deserve the best. The last thing I want is to give you less than what you deserve."

"I don't care about that. If I did, do you think I'd had that beautiful experience with you last night? Michael, honestly, that was the best birthday ever. And it was special because I got to share it with you. Someone that actually wanted to spend time with me, not checking their phone for their next business meeting. It feels good being seen for once."

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