My Husband's Brother Pt. 11

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It feels like an endless nightmare...

In mere days, my world has gone completely upside down. The most hurtful part in this whole ordeal, was heading down to the coroners with my brother to identify the body...According to them, the body was so...burned, that they had no other choice but to alert the mortician to immediately cremate the remains. We were trying to be optimistic...Thinking maybe her car was stolen, and the person inside is the one deceased, and she's still out there missing. But there was one thing that told us that this was indeed...her. They found her charm bracelet in the rubble and debris. My brother broke down in my arms when they held the evidence up to him...I cried as well, but softly...I wanted to be strong for him.

Bernard still has no clue that I know of his secret plans to kill Janice. And, I don't plan on telling him. Not yet anyway. It's the day of the funeral. The week has gone by so quick. Between the visitors showing their condolences, and the planning of the funeral, it has been so dreadful. The days feel so gloom and empty. Just yesterday, I woke up, reaching out for her to be beside me. I had to realize she's not there...

I decided to move back in with my brother for the time being. He needs me now more than ever. Mother and father have been checking in faithfully. They're worried about him. Afterall, he lost his ex-wife and his other wife just days apart. He has been acting strange. He's jittery as though he's hiding something. And he's always in his office talking to someone. Little does he know, I've been having some phone conversations of my own. The funeral is just hours away; yet, Bernard wants to run some errands. For what?

He's been gone all morning. I really don't care honestly. I just want to get through this day. I stand in the mirror, adjusting my tie. Once it's too my liking, I neatly adjust my jacket, that goes with my slacks. All black. It's fitting for the occasion. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. I take a final glance at myself before making my way to the entrance. It's the family arriving...However, when I open the door, I get the shock of my life. It's the police.

"Hi officer. May I help you?" I ask.

"Is Bernard here? I'm Officer Williams. I need to ask Mr. Jackson a few questions."

"I'm his brother. Come in."

He comes in as we go into the kitchen. He doesn't take a seat. Instead he looks around as though suspicious. The counter is full of assorted foods and flowers all sent from different people.

"I'm sorry to intrude, especially during a time like this." He starts. "It's just...My team and I have been investigating into the death of Tonya Yancey. And...I hate to say it, but some things are just not adding up."

"Not adding up how?"

He shakes his head profusely... "Maybe it's me...But I did a background check on that woman. And she has no record of abusing any kind of substance. And when I talked to her daughter, she said her mother never did drugs. Apparently, she was down here from up north to discuss matters with their child, and things went left. I've questioned a few people in the area that said she came here during Janice's baby shower in a rage and Bernard was pissed."

I knew it would come to this. I can't say I'm surprised. Eventually, all of Bernard's shadiness will come to the light. And I think this is the moment.

"I've brought this forth to a few people in the office. They shrugged it off. Now, I know Bernard is friends with some people on the police force. So now, I'm deciding to take matters into my own hands."

"You think Bernard had something to do with this?"

"I know he did. I just need the proof. And I think you do too."

Michael Jackson ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora