Off Limits (Part 5)

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Ethan and I arrive at the restaurant. We were thirty minutes late by now. I let Ethan drive. He seemed sober enough. That, and I had my eye on him the entire time while he was behind the steering wheel. We walk hand in hand through the restaurant. It was a packed house tonight; but, we managed to maneuver through the crowds successfully.

Toni, over here!

I look to my right, to see Ella by the booth. I lead Ethan over towards the direction where I see Ella still waving frantically.

"About time! I hope you don't mind. We went ahead and ordered without you. We waited as long as we could." Ella says.

"That's fine. We'll just order when the waiter returns." I respond.

We settle into the seats across from Michael and Ella. It doesn't take long for us to begin conversing. The waiter came back to get our orders once bringing back Ella and Michael's food. I ordered the shrimp scampi. Ella swears by it. When it was Ethan's turn, he continued to stare at the menu as though he was confused. Not only that, but he was staring to sweat heavily.

"Baby, are you okay?" I lean over whispering to him.

"Yeah...There's just so much to choose from." He laughs nervously.

I could see the confusion on his face. He looked disoriented. Out of it. And, it was starting to scare the shit outta me.

"Well, why don't you let me help you."

I reach over for the menu when he suddenly shoves my hands away.

"I don't need your help, okay!?" He strikes.

I lean away, embarrassed. I notice the concern from Ella and Michael from across the table. Particularly from Michael. He didn't say anything, but I could tell he didn't like the way Ethan talked to me. Then, I see the waiter hiding his shocked expression, masking it with a professional smile. Soon, Ethan places his order, and the waiter walks away. Things then grow silent.

Ella clears her throat. "So, Toni. Victoria secret is having a blowout sale this weekend."

"Count me in." I smile.

"Great. I'll pick you up."

Luckily, the rest of dinner goes well, despite Ethan's slight episode earlier. I keep replaying it my mind. He hurt my feelings. Not only that, but it was also insulting. I see Ethan and Michael have been getting along quiet well, which is great. They seem to mostly bond on their love for Star Wars, which Ella and I find to be incredibly boring.

"I was thinking...Why don't we hit up a lounge?" Ella says as sliding out of the booth.

"Um, I don't know. Ethan, don't you have to work in the morning?"

"Yeah, but I don't see how a few hours could hurt anything."

"Great! Michael and I will lead. You two can trail us."

We make it to our car. Ethan begins wiping away extra sweat. His hands were jittery once again, and he was really starting to scare me.

"You know, Ethan. We don't have to go. I can call Ella and tell her we changed our mind."

I begin reaching into my purse for my phone. Ethan grabs my arm squeezing it extra tight.

"You will do no such thing!" He yells.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Stop!"

He slings my arm. I'm shocked at his sudden change in behavior. Ethan has never put his hands on me, or yelled at me for that matter, until now. And I think I know why this is happening.

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