Phone Sex Pt. 4

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I can't say I'm surprised that this man had a secret lover he was keeping from me. It still doesn't change the fact that I am hurt. It might've not been a white picket fence type of relationship but we had something special...

I wake up the following morning, a bit under the weather. Not only am I jobless but I'm horny...Great. What's worse than being horny? It's being alone and horny. I sit up in bed shaking my head hoping the sleepiness would go away. I have so much to do today.

I reach for my phone and notice three missed calls. I check the numbers and realize they are all from him. I decide not to call back. Not only did he hurt me, but he lied to me. I made it specifically clear before we started all of this—I didn't want any drama. This incident has made me perceive where we stand, and I know what I have to do...I can no longer continue this with him. And to do that, I have to put on my big girl panties, bite the bullet, and go cold turkey on him.

I get dressed for the day and go out as planned to job hunt. By the time late afternoon rolls around, the gnawing hunger pains become immensely obvious. I decide to stop by Starbucks. The line is long, due to the afternoon crowd pouring in from lunch. I'm already halfway there. No need to turn back now.

I feel an intense vibration and realize my phone is ringing. I reach into my purse for it. When I glance at the number, I roll my eyes. Inner conflict arises...Should I hear what he has to say? And before I can answer that, my finger swipes the answer button.

"Are you seriously calling me right now after what happened!?" I bark into the phone, making sure to keep my voice low.

He breathes into the phone, I guess searching for words.

"I can explain." He finally says.

"Don't. She made it perfectly clear where you and her stand. And, I don't want to be in the way."

"She's my ex."

"Your children's mother?"

"No. She was a previous marriage before I met their mother."

The line moves up some...I glance around the restaurant making sure no one is in earshot.

"Is that why you went out of town, to see her?"

"No!" He sighs annoyed. I guess with this entire situation. I know I am.

"I was at a dinner meeting last night and ran into her. I swear to you. I had no idea she was gonna be there. There was a small party at one of my friend's hotel rooms, and I placed my phone down for one second going to the restroom. When I came back, I saw her with my phone, talking to you."

"I don't believe you."

"I wouldn't lie to you. You have to trust me."

"Trust you?" I scoff. "I don't even know your name, nor do you know mines. But you expect me to trust you!?"

"I do, actually."

By now I'm in the front of the line. I put him on hold ordering my meal... While waiting, we continue our conversation.

"So what? You guys work together?" I ask.

"Used to. Not anymore."

"How can I be sure this won't happen again? I don't have time for the bullshit. I lost my job. So, the last thing I need is some crazy ass bitter ex stalking me."

"You lost your job?" I hear the concern in his voice.

I get my order taking a seat towards the back, where not a lot of people sit. I eat, careful not to chew so profound as talking to him.

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