Remembering Michael...

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I didn't have time to post my tribute on 6/25. So here I go: 

I'll be honest. I didn't become a fan until after June 25th, 2009. Though I wasn't always a fan, Michael's magic has always been in my life in some way shape or form. Like, when I was four, and I saw him for the first time on the movie Free Willy, singing "Will You Be There". I remember looking over at my mom and asked "Mommy, who's that?" "Michael Jackson", she answered. I glared back at the TV, and Michael seemed to float across the screen. He was so angelic, and his voice magical. I looked at him in such amazement, as I thought to myself, "He's cute" (lol). Or, when I saw Moonwalker at my Grandmother's house, and seeing Thriller for the first time and being absolutely terrified. At the age of 15, I remember the song Human Nature being my absolute favorite by him. And till this day, I adore it so much. Matter of fact, that's my favorite song by him...I know I may seem like one of those bandwagon fans, that hopped on the moment he died, but my love for him is real These past ten years, has been a journey for me. I've had the privilege and the honor of studying the Michael Jackson that's not highlighted in the news: I've studied the Michael Jackson that's loving, kind, gentle and an amazing father and son. I've come to love the Michael whose music has gotten me through some pretty rough times. The Michael that I've studied for the past decade...Is someone who was misunderstood. Someone who loved life and saw the beauty that regular, mundane people may miss. Thank you, God, for Michael Jackson. He truly was any decent lady's ideal man, any child's ideal father...Any mother's ideal son...Any sibling's ideal brother...It wasn't until I looked passed the headlines and saw how his smile could like up a room. It wasn't until I closed my ears officially to negative comments where I noticed he was the true victim in the madness. No, he wasn't perfect. Yes, he had his flaws...However, it does not change the pureness in his heart. I've always said, "Michael Jackson was real in a fake world." If all of us, even if we are not super fans of his, could take a slice of his message and words to heart, this terrible world would be just that much better. Michael had the gift to see things beyond this 3D, superficial realm. He was so ahead of his time...Only those with an open heart and mind will be able to understand where he was going...I haven't even scratched the surface. But, I'm grateful for the experience. It's deeper than the music, or his celebrity status. It's taking his message and applying it to your everyday life. Whether that's helping the homeless, donating to a charity, or giving to a child in need...It's him, the person that is so beautiful. It's him the person that was undeniably handsome. It's him, the person that deserves to be defended, wholeheartedly. And I will continue to do so...Words cannot express how much I miss him. How much he has grown on me over the years. I'm grateful for being a fan of his for ten years. Though this is a sad day, I will use this day to spread his message. Thank you, Michael. For your message of L.O.V.E. May you truly, Rest in Peace. Those whom try and destroy you, can no longer do so. You will always give me "Butterflies".

 You will always give me "Butterflies"

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