Off Limits Part 12

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I step out of the shower. By the TV being extra loud, I see Michael has found himself a movie that has made him content. While brushing my teeth, I plug in the curlers to start getting hot. I look down at my phone to do a time check, only to see I have two missed calls from Ella. I swipe them to clear them from my notifications. I go into my room beelining straight to my dresser. It's now I realize my door is left slightly ajar. Any wider, and Michael would see me naked. I grab my bra and panties along with my robe to bring with me back into the bathroom. I push the door closed right after.

I slip into my robe and make myself comfortable at my small stool in front of my bathroom counter. I start curling my hair, while simultaneously doing my makeup. By the time I start applying my lipstick, I hear a light knock on my bedroom door...

"I am getting dressed. What do you want?" I yell.

"My phone needs charging. May I borrow it?"

"I can't necessarily get it right now." I say, realizing I'm practically naked under my robe.

"Well, where is it? I'll get it."

Michael twists my doorknob, allowing himself into my bedroom. Shocked at his brazen response, I quickly close the bathroom door.

"What part of I am getting dressed didn't you understand?"

"Chill. It's not like I haven't seen you already. Just tell me where it is, and I'll go."

Irritated, I realize he's not going to let this go until he gets that damn charger. Without thinking, I tell him where I stuck it.

"Top drawer on the left-hand side."

I continue to curl another part of my hair. I take a brief break to apply my other eyelash...By the time I am fanning for it to dry in place, I find myself annoyed to hear he's still rummaging inside of my drawer.

"What's the problem? It's right there once you open it." I elaborate on the details.

"Where? All I am seeing is sexy underwear, bras...and...Oh!"


I hear Michael slamming the drawer shut, causing me to jump from my seat. I go into the bedroom where I see the back of Michael.

"What's wrong? Did you find the charger?"

"Seems like I found more than the charger."

He turns towards me, revealing my vibrator. I am embarrassed. I forgot I had it buried amongst my underclothes.

"Put it back please!"

I reach for it, but Michael quickly moves from my grasp, dangling it above my head. Michael makes a dash across the room, with me right behind him. No matter how hard I try and take it, he continues to shield his body so I can't get it from him.

"You actually charge this thing just to get off!?" Michael laughs.

"That's none of your business. Please give it back!" I grunt while pushing him.

Michael finally throws it on the bed. Somehow it managed to turn on amidst our tussle and starts vibrating.

"You are so childish." I roll my eyes while snatching the device off the bed.

Michael points at my chest while smiling...It's now I realize my robe fell from my shoulders to reveal my bra being exposed. I quickly pull the fabric up.

"Have you had enough of embarrassing me? Can I finish getting ready now?"

Michael continues to laugh softly at me while heading out of the room.

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