Phone Sex Pt. 6

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One week later...

Work has been hectic lately. So crazy, that the last two nights I've been too tired to answer my phone once-off of work. I don't want Michael to think I'm blowing him off. I did receive a sweet text from him this morning. Throughout the day, I find myself going back to his message.

Hey beautiful. You were on my mind. Call me soon.

He knows how much of a pain in the ass my boss is. And he has made it perfectly clear how much he hates that I'm back working for him. I guess it's safe to say our relationship has grown. He'll call just to hear my voice, and we can sit and talk for hours about things beyond sex. He's easy so talk to, and I love that about him.

Did I just say, love?

I grab my purse as preparing to leave for lunch. I haven't eaten since this morning and that was null, seeing it was just a piece of toast. I walk away from my cubicle, only to find my boss walking towards me.

"You think you can do a thirty-minute lunch instead of a full hour?"

"Sir, no disrespect, but I did a thirty-minute lunch yesterday, in which you promised me an hour today."

"We have some corporate visitors coming by. I need you to clean the staff's office. It looks like shit. Then, I need you to run to the subway and order those catering platters. I'll give you the cash when you return."

He doesn't wait for my response as walking the opposite direction...I hate when he throws things on me last minute.

By the time I run to Starbucks and come back, it'll be time for me to return. I opt for a bag of chips at the vending machine with a drink...I sit in the lobby where not a lot of people reside...I shove the tangy barbecue chip into my mouth, chewing faster than normal...I didn't realize how hungry I was.

By the time I'm halfway through the bag, I open my bottle of water to drink...It's not until it's half full where I sit it down.  My phone rings loudly and I become embarrassed. I forgot to put it on vibrate. I reach for the device checking the number...I begin to smile as placing the phone to my ear.

"Oh. So, you are alive." He teases. 

"I know what you're thinking." 

"What? That your boss is a fucking moron? And he's purposely overworking you because of some sick, twisted fantasy he has of you?" 

"You don't know him, okay?" 

"Trust me baby I've been around long enough to know a sick bastard when I see one. And he fits the criteria well." 

"Don't start, please?" 

"I'm worried about you. You don't even sound like yourself. What happened to that vibrant woman that I care about?" 

"She's having her lunch breaks cut in half to appease her irritating boss. She's losing an extra hour of sleep because he needs me to be at work an hour before everyone else arrives to fix his coffee and iron his clothes."

"He made you iron his clothes!?"

His voice deepens with anger. I now regret I said anything.

"It's not a big deal, okay? It was only twice." 

"I don't care. Next, he'll be asking you to take your skirt off."

He was pissed and irritated. I hear a frustrated sigh on his end.

"I wanna have a talk with him." 

"Are you crazy!? You could get me fired!" 

"Sorry honey. But some things aren't worth getting a paycheck for."

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