My Husband's Brother Pt. 9

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Six months later...

Now this gel is cold...The doctor warns before placing the cold substance on my baby bump. I am nervous. This is the appointment I will find out what gender my baby will be. The doctor smiles at me before placing the ultra sound device against me. She slightly moves it around, before looking at the screen. I look over as well.

"Oh there you are!" Says the doctor, seeing evidence of my baby. I see it as well.

I begin to smile, laughing softly. I can't believe that's my baby growing inside of me. She continues to move the device over my belly, as doing her observation. She was checking making sure everything was going well with the baby, was it growing well, among other things...

"Sure likes to move." The doctor comments as trying to continue her observation.

"Yes! I stay up so many nights just from the baby kicking so profusely."

There is a light knock on the door. Come in!" The doctor says. The door opens and Bernard comes in, quietly wrapping up his phone conversation. He stuffs his phones away once done.

"What did I miss?" He asks as approaching me.

He lightly kisses my forehead before taking a seat next to me. He places his hand on top of mine, as staring at me, like we were so in love...If the walls could talk...

"Well, Mr. Jackson. We are about to discover the gender of your precious baby."

"I hope it's a boy." He clinches my hand, nervous. So am I.

The doctor continues to move the device...We both glance at the screen. Ah-ha! The doctor says as moving closer to the screen.

"What?" I ask.

She glances at Bernard and I before a huge grin spreads over her face.

"Congratulations you two. You're having a baby girl."

I gasp in excitement. I just knew it was a girl. It's a feeling...An expecting mother just knows. My excitement dies some when I see the slight disappointment in Bernard's face. The doctor wipes my stomach, congratulates us again before leaving the room. Carefully, I stand and my dress falls in place. I smooth my hand over it, as grabbing my purse.

"Dammit! Isn't that just great? Not only do you have a bastard child, it's the wrong gender."

Bernard slightly slings something across the room to express his anger. He can't even look at me. I guess it's not up to me to expect a happily ever after from him. I'm lucky he even agreed to the decision of me keeping my child. It took some convincing. But that didn't mean we were suddenly closer. If anything, we've grown further apart. And the further I get into the pregnancy, the nastier and more resentful he's become.

He won't even touch me because he says my pregnant belly disgusts him. He makes sure he's gone for the majority of the day so he won't be around me...And at night, he goes into his office, and stays there until it's time for bed...And some nights, he won't come home at all...A few times, he's gone three whole days without returning. It doesn't bother me though. It gives me the opportunity to see Michael, when he's not busy at the studio. His photography business is really flourishing. I'm proud of him.

He drives through the traffic reckless. He even attempted to run a stop light, in which I had to warn him to slow down.

"You're going to kill us, slow down!" I yell.

"Would that be such a bad thing?"

His voice was cold and distant. And the way he said it, sent a shiver through my spine. His expression blank as he continues to drive, was something inhumane. We arrive at our home...I go in first. By the time I'm in the door good. I turn towards Bernard. He's still on the other side of the threshold.

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