My Husband's Brother Pt. 7

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Four weeks later...

It's been nearly a month since this affair between Michael and I have blossomed. During that time, we've been really playing house with one another. Whenever Bernard would go away for business, or stay over late for meetings, Michael and I used that time to grow closer. We were cooking together, cleaning, and cuddling to watch movies...Not to mention the sex was so explosive. I don't think I would ever get tired of fucking him. Each time we were hot and sweaty, it felt like a new experience. It was adventure I was waiting to explore. As much as I loved the hardcore fucking, I also loved the sweet and gentle love making.

Michael had found a nice apartment in downtown and was in the middle of moving out. He has really been working on not only getting his business up and running, but creating a fresh start in life. He wasn't officially moved in, but he had most of his furniture and things already set and in place...His apartment is beautiful. It's in the heart of Charlotte, has a beautiful skyline, with three bedrooms two bathrooms. Not to mention there is a balcony...

Whenever Bernard and I got into a terrible fight, I knew where to go. It was nice having that place to go to get away from my miserable life. Michael understood, and I loved that about him. There wasn't a day that didn't go by when Michael and I did maintain some sort of contact. So to not hear from him from the first part of the day, I begin to feel a little down. Matter of fact, I haven't been feeling so well, these past few days. I was feeling extra tired, and I haven't been able to keep any solid foods down, without running off to the bathroom. I think it's the stress of being around Bernard. Then again, my breast is more sore than usual...Maybe it's my period getting ready to come on.

I was in the kitchen drinking some herbal tea...That seems to be the only thing I can hold on my stomach, and saltine crackers. I hear the front door to the penthouse open. By the heavy footsteps, I know it's Bernard. He meets me in the kitchen. His cellphone pressed to his ear, as he continues talking in his formal tone. He eyes me, pulling the phone away.

"Good, you're here." Bernard says, as catching his breath. He seems to be in a hurry as he continues. "We're having a banquet at the office tonight. Find something elegant to wear, be ready by seven, and please don't keep me waiting."

He walks away, but I lightly touch his shoulder stopping him. Annoyed, he pulls his face away from the phone once more, rushing me to speak.

"Not tonight baby. I'm not feeling well."

He places his face to the phone once again. Let me call you back. He ends the call, as starting towards me.

"You listen to me. I don't care if you have to drink a whole bottle of robitussin before you leave. You will attend this banquet. And you will look your best. Do I make myself clear?"

There was no point in arguing. My body was too weak, and besides...I just wanted to make it through this tea without barfing.


"Good. I'm going to be in my office. Please do not disturb me."

He walks past me and up the staircase. I hear the slamming of the door...

As requested, I find myself getting ready for my Husband. I have already done my makeup, as I finish with the last of curling my hair. I stand up going to the closet, where I find my attire for the evening: A white fitted dress, that stops a little past the knees. I slip into my necklace, and bracelets, then I look for the earrings Michael brought me. I search the entire vanity, though I know I had them by my brushes...I search the floor nearby, thinking they fell on the floor. Nothing. I go over to my dresser, thinking maybe I misplaced them there. Nothing...Panic begins to rise, and I start to fear the worse.

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