Off Limits Part 7

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I wake up the following day, heading off to work. I have to say, I am glad that to be even going in today. I'd rather be there, than dealing with Ella after that shit she tried to pull. But when I get downstairs, I notice I am here by myself. I go into the kitchen for a quick brunch when I find her note addressed to me on the counter:

Toni, I had to work today. Here's the key to the house. See you this evening.


I work as a waitress/bartender at an established restaurant about an hour from where I live. Yes, it is quite a drive. But the tips and paycheck does make up for it. It keeps the lights on and bills paid. And I'll have a little extra to splurge on myself. I have started a savings account a few months ago. Every time I get paid, I make sure to store away a pinching. I'm trying to save up so I can one day move into a beautiful home. One much like my friend, Ella owns. Yes, I love my apartment. But I'm tired of paying someone rent. I want something to call my own.

Ella and I have had to different backgrounds coming up. One of them beings she had what one would consider a silver spoon born in her mouth. Ella grew up not wanting for nothing. Her father was a Mayor of the city for three terms. He went on to be governor of the state. He was very well-known and had a reputation to upkeep. Her mother used to be his secretary, which how they met. Once they married, she became a stay-at-home wife. Ella was highly active in her school. She did volleyball, she was class president, and spent her last two years at her high school as a varsity cheerleader. She had so many grants and scholarships before going to college, that she damn near got a free ride into school.

My life, wasn't as glamours. My parents met when they were 19 and had me when they were 20. Being young parents, they did make a lot of errors. But, the love they had for me made up for all the mistakes. They did the best they could. Growing up, we were poor though I never felt like we were. Though my parents struggled, they never let me know and always kept a smile on their faces. My father worked at least three jobs to keep me and my mother safe and with a roof over our heads. Every so often, my grandparents had to step in to help my mother out. Growing up, my mother was a free spirit. My father was a rebel in a lot of ways. They didn't go out breaking laws or anything...but they liked to teach me different philosophies dealing with life. My mother is very heavy into meditation, crystals and candles...My father was very much the black panther type. He had no problem participating in a protest if he felt there was injustice being served. If he isn't writing poetry and giving his view on world news, he is cooking. And boy, my father can cook his ass off.

My grandmother passed away by the time I graduated college. Being my father was the sole beneficiary, he was left not only with a decent inheritance, but everything she possessed. It wasn't much...but it definitely helped get my family out of a lot of financial debt. My mother now owns a yoga studio. My dad now owns a restaurant, where he serves vegan style food. It's called: Vegan Viv. He named it after my mother, who's name is Vivian.

Throughout high school, I wasn't the most popular, or have many friends for that matter. I did have one good friend named Kim. We were friends since childhood. She moved away during my sophomore year of high school and I remember feeling so alone. If it wasn't for me taking an interest in the schools culinary program, I don't think I would've made it. I did receive one scholarship, which did pay for my first semester, and two grants. But seeing I didn't have a lot of extracurricular activities, a lot of schools weren't that interested in me.

After graduating high school, I enrolled at Fayetteville State University...which is how I met Ella. We were roommates at the time. She was majoring in political science. She wanted to follow in her father's footsteps. My major was Business. I always had dreams of owning a business...Too bad I haven't found my right footing to do so...

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