Off Limits Part 9

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It's been a week since I've received the tragic news about Ethan. It's been rough, to say the least. I did manage to track down his close relatives to see if they needed anything. I told them who I was and that Ethan and I have been seeing one another for some time within the last few months. Surprisingly, he wasn't that close with his parents. I did manage to speak with his sister, Ashely, who was doing most of the planning as far as the funeral. She was so excited to meet me for the first time. Apparently, she said Ethan talked about me often with her.

Between me helping her errands and setting things up, she told me the dreaded story and his struggle with his addiction. According to her, he's been on and off of drugs since high school. She told me it started when he witnessed endless encounters of their drunk father beating their mother. One night, Ethan being only sixteen and Ashely being eight at the time, Ethan jumped between his father and mother and attacked the dad. To his surprise and the sister, their mother started beating on Ethan. Then, she called the police on him. That drove a wedge into his relationship with his parents. By the time he turned eighteen, he went away to college and never returned. He made sure to keep close ties to Ashely though.

When the day of the funeral arrives, I make sure I am up early. The service starts at noon. By the time I'm having my morning coffee, I get a call from Liam. I haven't really heard from him since he walked me home after the Halloween party. He's been dealing with battles of his own though. He's in the middle of a custody battle with his ex-girlfriend over their six-year-old daughter. They did have joint custody...but when Liam found out of her partying ways and the strange men she had around his daughter, he went to the judge, and rightfully so. In the time I've known Liam, I know him enough to know he's a damn good father. He talks about his daughter Anissa, all the time, though I've never met her.

"Hey. How are you holding up?" Liam asks.

"I'm holding. It all feels like a dream." I say as running my fingers through my hair.

"The worst is almost over. I was calling to see if it was okay if I came? You know, for emotional support."

"I would appreciate that, Liam."

"Great. So, I'll meet you at Riverstone Funeral Home then."

Once the conversation ends, I go ahead and continue to get ready. I try and not over do the look I am going for. After all, it is a funeral. I wear a long, sleek black dress, with a thick black belt snug around my waist. All my hair is up in a bun. I find some pearls to wear. Then some black heels and a pair of shades.

Ashely wanted me to meet her at her home so I could ride in the family car. As much as I opposed the idea, she insisted. Rather you know it or not, you meant a lot of my brother. I know this would mean a lot to him, having you here. She lives in a beautiful modular home about thirty minutes from me. When I arrive, I see all the family is here. His mother, sister, and brother-in-law, along with his niece, cousins aunts, and uncles...The father wasn't there. Ashely told me he's been awfully sick for some years now. He recently suffered a stroke and is now dealing with dementia. He resides in a rest home.

Once the preacher arrives to give a prayer, we are sent off to the vehicles to head to the funeral home. Ashely made sure to grab my hand and lead me to the family car. And of course, the once peaceful atmosphere becomes ruptured...

"Why is she riding with us? She's not family. She wasn't even his wife! She has no right to sit with us."

I look over to the old, senile mother, Joy barking at me relentlessly. By now, all the other family members are in the vehicle. All the other cars are loaded and ready to go. They're just waiting on us.

"Mother, I asked Toni to ride with us. She was Ethan's girlfriend. It's only right." Ashely says as standing by my side.

"Carrying on the wages of sin by having premarital relations. The Harlot will not spread her wickedness in this vehicle that's blessed by the blood of the lamb."

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