My Husband's Brother Pt. 8

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I couldn't get out of the car fast enough when Michael pulled up to the entrance. Once I get out, he goes to park the car. I'm already inside the hospital. So many thoughts invade my mind...I wonder how bad off is he this time? Will they have to perform a serious operation? I find myself holding back tears on that last part...I approach the front desk, but no one is here...And when I look around, I notice the entire hospital is in an uproar it seems from the sudden emergencies taking place. Doctors, nurses, and other staff are either answering other phone calls, dealing with patients, or handling those who need immediate assistance. It doesn't take long for me to see a mother and a young boy sitting on the far end. Their clothes ripped and dirty. The boy holds his arm, crying softly as his mother holds him close...There was a car accident. I hear one of the doctors speaking to them mention it.

It takes me back to when I was once working here. All those late-night shifts where we would have so many sad and tragic stories take place, and there is only so much one could do about it. And it seemed to have gotten worse on a full moon. I hear a familiar voice coming through the crowd of people...Then, I notice Lynn, my former colleague. She's an LPN, and head of the department she's in. I notice her giving direction to some young, upcoming nurses. They nod in agreement before going into the crowd of people doing what they were asked. She soon comes in my direction, though she doesn't notice me right away. This job can make you so strain and tired, that it can take your mind off other things. I then approach her half way, stopping her.

"Lynn! It's me, Janice."

"Oh my god, Janice. It is you!"

She carries slight bags under her eyes. I guess that came with the excessive overtime. Her hair is in a simple ponytail, with a few strands sticking up. It's obvious she didn't put much effort into her looks; however, she still looks good regardless. We share a brief hug, before she looks me up and down.

"Look at you! Coming in here looking like a movie star." She says as laughing softly.

"Oh, thank you girl. I try."

"Uh-huh. I see that life has been good to you."

"It has."

Her mood shifts and I see the concern in her face. It worries me.

"You're here to see Bernard."

It was a statement. Not a question. And judging by her expression, nothing good could come from this.

"How is he? Can I see him?"

She releases a huge sigh, shaking her head slightly. My heart drops some.

"I'll explain it to you on the way there."

She escorts me through the crowd of people. It's still hard to believe a year ago, I was one of these nurses running rampant through these halls. My, have times changed...We get onto the elevator as going to the third floor.

"He's not doing good, Jan." She starts.

"Is he responsive?"

"Yes; but, the doctors are going have to do an emergency operation."

"Coronary artery bypass grafting?"

"Exactly. A pacemaker is just too risky, though we've looked into that option. You know that. Hopefully, this will improve the blood flow to the heart."

We start off the elevator going down the long narrow hallway. This hallway isn't as traffic jammed as in the lobby, thankfully.

"You already know how Bernard feels about operations."

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