Chapter 5: Happy Solital (Holiday Special)

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A/N: Just to make it clear, this is a holiday special! Not taking place in the present timeline but still is canon in a way. Enjoy!


Solital (pronounced Soul-ee-tall) is the winter holiday celebrated throughout all Minilus. In the final seven days of the year, Solital week begins. The annual holiday is to celebrate the fallen souls and move on to the new year together, with those in life and those in death.

Snowfall during Solital week is seen as how the souls of the afterlife travel to visit Earth and enjoy festivities with their loved ones. One of the greatest traditions of the holiday is the Soul Lantern lighting. Lanterns will be lit up on the last day of Solital and placed in the river which flows down to the sea until the candles burn out, then the lanterns are recollected for use next year for those who cannot afford a new one. The lanterns represent moving on and acceptance, sending the souls back to the afterlife.

There are, of course, many fun festivities and other traditions throughout the country. Sweets are purchased and there are many trades, music, and other leisurely activities at the famous Solital Festival beginning at sundown of day one and ending at sundown on the final day of the year, otherwise called day seven.

Happy Solital!


2 years ago, 5 months after the incident.

The cold winter air was present throughout the house as Dream pulled the blanket closer to himself. Gray clouds covered what would be a beautiful sunrise as he curled up in the bunk bed. The house was mostly silent other than the occasional cabinet opening or the very quiet dings of the oven from Bad's baking.

Solital... that was supposedly the most amazing time of the year, right? They would get up bright and early to bake cookies for the festival, get their lanterns which they sent down the river every year.

However, this holiday season would be different. This Solital would only be a shell of what it once was. Just a mere few months ago... the Wither accident. Just a little bit ago, where stations for the festival were being set up was a place for field hospitals. Just a little while ago, the place where the lantern station sat was where their adoptive mother lay dead.

Running his fingers through his messy hair, he could almost find himself drifting off to sleep until he heard the front door opening and the obnoxious laughter of someone who wasn't himself. Brought him a small fright as Dream immediately sat up, hitting his head on the ceiling.

"Skeppy! I said to be here at 5 pm... not 5:30 in the morning..." Bad mumbled as he peered into the bedroom noticing how the rest woke up before watching Sapnap and George go back to bed. It was odd that how Bad was a heavy sleeper usually and slept in for a while, yet he would be up at insane hours baking during Solital week.

Baking with Nadia...

Adjusting his glasses to see Dream sitting up, his legs were now dangling over the side of the bed. "You can come join us if you want! I know it's early, he's just a loud muffin," Bad smiled as he waved over, Dream taking the offer and quietly walking over to the kitchen. He didn't bother to change out of the hoodie he slept in, nor rub the sleepiness out from his eyes. Dream only walked slowly, slipping on his favorite little white slippers with dorky smiles on. Oh, and his mask of course. He only showed his face to his family.

He smelled the sweetness he was ever so familiar with as he looked at the trays filled with cookies in the shape of snowflakes. Lacking their usual snow-white frosting and silver sprinkles, there were dozens of dozens of cookies. It was only 5:30 in the morning... how long has Bad been at this?

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