Chapter 34: Rescue

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"Alright everyone, we have no time to lose. We don't know much about their condition other than they may be dead or alive at this point. Our main priority is getting Iris and Niki out, preferably alive and as uninjured as possible," Techno stated, scrolling through the small list he wrote out. Just because their government and armies were stretched thin does not mean he can't do anything.

Dream nodded and finished loading his axe on the wagon. "Right. Here's the plan. Eret is going to be directing us to their hideout. When we get there, Tommy and Wilbur are using their invisibility potions to search for where Iris and Niki are being held. Make as little noise as possible. Antfrost is staying out here in the wagon with Velvet in case we need a quick escape. Me, Techno, and Puffy... let's just say we're going to put on a show."

Resources stretched thin, only a few hours of a journey. It had Dream question how Eret had managed to get here, yet he would not ask about it other than that stupid traitor theory. Had to be cautious but not obvious. Sitting in the front, directing the horses where Eret pointed.

Two whole days since they found Eret.

A possible two whole days since one of them died. They've been missing for maybe two weeks. Time had always seemed to escape him into trauma. All he could was pray that they were okay, that nothing indecent happened, and that he could hold his little sister once more.

"Take a right turn right before the forest," Eret mentioned as Technoblade went and pulled on the reigns. The bridge of winter and spring would soon arrive on them, flowers would start to bloom soon. Dream looked to his side and saw a small patch of purple flowers, eyes widening when he realized the type.


His thoughts were shaken by one of the wheels rolled over a wheel, almost like a speedbump. "Oi! Learn to drive, Techno!" Wilbur shouted from the back, brightening up the mood slightly. Continuing to chatter slightly but Dream and Puffy staying more so silent.

"Alright everyone, we're close. Keep the volume silent and get in position," Eret whispered, eyeing that small house in the forest. Most of it was underground, they were never really told how their ancestors even constructed such an area. A place where they had experienced so much punishment, so much... torture but Eret remained loyal to that place. That so very horrid place.

Tommy looked at all the adults, holding the potion in his hand. Invisible for seven minutes. Seven minutes to sneak around and find where they held Drista and Niki. He glanced at Eret, a small frown forming on his face. 'There's something off...' he thought to himself, hopping out of the wagon.

"Right, Tommy and Wilbur. Go through the back. Let's go in," Dream instructed, kicking down the doors of that illusion of a small house. Countless men, women, and children, most bearing the same glowing white eyes.

Tommy nodded and drank it, watching as he disappeared before jumping through one of the windows, seeing in the corner of his eyes Dream, Technoblade, and Captain Puffy going like easy way or hard way. Running around and opening the few doors that were unlocked ever so slightly, searching around and finding nothing.

Time was already running low, four minutes left. Going through a room and seeing a few cribs, with very young children sleeping and a young woman with blonde hair and glowing white eyes. Painted all over the walls were words in black paint, almost like a song.

Our leader's a gracious man, with eyes as white as snow. And he was killed by an unjust man who wanted only gold. Killed in the caves below, robbed of his life and gems. And as we serve his cause to Earth, sworn to take revenge.

There once was a selfish man, with eyes green and no soul. Killing for his pleasure, feeding his greed with stolen glory. A master a deception, a smile to hide his lies. And as we serve our lord's cause, the killer's blood will die.

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