Chapter 24: Fever Dreams

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It was one of the coldest days of the winter. Someone in the group was bound to fall ill from the weather, it was just a matter of who? Snow fell from the sky and the windows were closed shut, the only noise being the strong winter breeze against the house.

Now, with disease came certain fears of one of the household members. Fevers terrified him and while the others said goodbye to their parents in a single instant, he was forced to watch his own mother helplessly lay in bed, having a slow and painful death.

Now that is the worst fear he could ever imagine. Watching his loved ones which he cared for ever so dearly being forced to suffer, even if it is on such a small scale as an injury or a small cold.

He had woken up and the second he opened his eyes, he knew that he had fallen ill, as his head was pounding and there was the constant switch between running chills and flashes of uncomfortable warmth. Not to mention he had slept much past the time were he and Dream would head to the training area.

Sitting up and feeling waves of exhaustion take over him, his own levels of anxiety rising rapidly. Breathing unsteady and shivering uncontrollably, looking up and seeing Dream tuck him right back in bed.

"Hey Georgie. It's okay, go back to sleep."

"B-but-" his words were broken and choked out, the sting in his throat but he couldn't stop the world from closing in on him. This was a part of life, it would all end fine in the end. Yet, when he prayed for it to have a happy ending most, it didn't. Sitting up and trying to get up but simply being brought back to his bed.

"Shh... it's alright bud.


His world seemed alright. Always looking for a positive outlook on anything, even when life was at its lowest. His neighbor would bring him to school every day and then bring him back home. His home at life was alright. It wasn't an ideal life, considering there were many factors affecting him that he couldn't control, but he tried to stay positive. However, someone can only try so hard for so long.

His mother has lately been fighting a bad cold, or at least what he believes to be a cold in his childlike mind. He would come home and find his mother sleeping in bed or having the occasional coughing fit for the first few days. A day turned into a week or so and his concern started to grow.

"Mum? Are you alright? Maybe you should go to the doctors, we could have the neighbor bring you," the child spoke, staring down at his mother who looked sickly pale.

"It's fine, just head to school," her voice replied as she waved her hand off to her child. "I'll be here," she smiled and shut the door. He simply left, getting his bag and heading out the door where Mr. Eric, his neighbor, was waiting outside.

"Morning, George!" The male smiled slightly, waving at the child. Dark hair with blue eyes. While he wasn't exactly an adult, to the child, he was. "Is your mom still sick?" He asked, helping the kid on to the back of his horse and watching as the kid nodded.

"Hm, I'll take her to the doctors when I get back. Where's the secret key?" He smiled, starting to ride throughout the villages.

"Under the flowerpot near the mailbox, can't miss it," George spoke softly as they continued to make their way to school, the only noise being the trotting of horse's hooves on the dirt path.

He would spend his time in class, but George always found himself glancing out the window. It wasn't like he wasn't smart, sure he didn't like art class too much but overall; he was somewhat intelligent.

Yet the thought of his mother was burning in the back of his mind. He would even spend his break going through the library for any hints of what his mother had fallen ill with. He wasn't a doctor, and he didn't find anything either.

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