[Liskook] Around the Corner

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It had been a terrible week for Jungkook, the training for the nationals had been exhausting, he always felt like he was about to faint after that, he even has been skipping classes to train by himself, and he even goes to the boxing room... he was maybe overdoing it but it was what kept him busy to just concentrate on the routine and the training, because if not those teary eyes will come again to his mind made him feel like if his breath was taking away, like if he had blocks of cement in his back and his soul was getting darker... He made Lisa cry again....and he couldn't overcome that image...

The presentation wasn't that bad but they didn't get an excellent grade, he did finish the rest project, he sent a few arrangements at midnight to Lisa to see them and be able to talk about it in the presentation, she never replied to him...next day they just present and that was the last day he made eye contact with her.... she was obviously avoiding him, and so was he... he wouldn't blame her. Why should she want to be with someone that had been hurting her so much?....and he was too stupidly proud and afraid to face her...

His feet had been hurting badly ... It seems that his ankle hadn't recovered fully yet but this was an opportunity he can't just pass, he was selected among all his classmates to represent the campus at the nationals, he would be seen as a crying baby if he said that his ankle was hurting...

He put his stuff in his locker, he was going to go to the boxing room, he had been missing lunchtime, and he barely eats....and he eats a lot... So it was serious...he tried to give a step but his ankle was getting worse he tried to limp as subtle as possible...

Trying to limp without being seen, looking ya both of the sides of the corridor, there were few people and he didn't know them, so he continued walking. when he got to the corner, he saw a guy flirting with a girl. His blood was boiling....it was Jiwon flirting with....wait. That isn't Lisa...aren't they supposed to be in a kind of relationship? This bastard....is he cheating on her? This asshole!!!! I am going to... too!!

"Ya! Jeon Jungkook!" the calling of his name made him came back to his five senses, he saw Chaeyoung even taping his shoulder, and he never felt that.

"I didn't see you" He tries to be as straight as possible, he didn't want her to know about his bad injury.

"OH really?" he could sense the sarcastic tone "If you don't tell me I would have never imagined it"

"Hey, by the way..." he was having trouble about telling her or not...but Chaeyoung was staring at him, waiting for what he was going to say "Isn't that Lisa's guy?"

Chaeyoung looks at the couple that was behind Jungkook a few meters away "Bobby sunbae? I guess"

He was perplexed with the attitude of Chaeyoung, her best friend was being cheated on!!! "Well... that's not Lisa...." He expected her to say something

"I know, is Naeyeon-ssi, she has some classes with Jimin Oppa"

He was so confused "But I mean...isn't...him..."

"What the matter they already broke up" after hearing that his heart got lighter, he even could feel a thousand pounds of tension being released.

"Really?" his thought were still tangled "Lisa is your best friend, aren't you supposed to be wishing him to be dead, or something? did they broke up because of this girl?"

Chaeyoung smile and chuckled "Well I guess you definitely done talk at all with Lisa huh? They end in good terms, not harm feelings...." He gave him a little squeeze in his arm "Let's go, we are going to be late"

After two hours of class, the pain in his ankle wasn't as bearable as in the morning, he needed a pill urgently...

"Chae do you have a pill for pain or something?" He asked her directly knowing that Lisa wouldn't answer him.

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