[Yoonsoo] Bells On

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It was finally Friday she has been anxious the whole week not only because of what was going to happen today, but the whole week has been insane, she has spent all her evenings with her tutor and not her boyfriend, always making excuses to him, she really felt bad about it, but today it was especially excruciating, she was going to be with Yoongi her tutor watching movies, that could seem like a date but it wasn't instead of actually going on a date to the movies with her boyfriend Jinyoung, Can you see her conundrum now?

She didn't want that her movie night with Yoongi sunbae look like a date, isn't like everyone thought it was one, actually, nobody has said it, she was the one overthinking it, but she better try to make to look that it isn't one. So she took an old white shirt from the old closet of Jin and a baby blue joggers. Who will go on a date with these clothes on? Nobody...excellent!

"Mr. Seo can you leave me three blocks away from campus?" she said to her driver that has been her driver since elementary school.

"But why so far away miss? I always drop you at least one block away" his eyes darted from the front to the rear-view window to see Jisoo.

She smiled at him "Ajussi, don't you see I am wearing a sports outfit? It's to warm up my body!"

"OK miss, if you said so, just pleas sent a text as soon as you step inside the campus" he pulled over to left her.

She started walking to the campus, she always has been trying to hide the fact that she is a rich girl, not everyone knows. not even her close friends, she goes from time to time to their houses but she never invited to hers. She didn't want them to see that part of her. Her house like mansion all white and cold, their houses with regular size and warm, she wished she would have been raised in one. She was so glad that Jin wasn't the type of person who brags about it neither, he didn't care if people know as she does, but he never talks about iy.

When she sat at her place, a few minutes later passed and her two friends arrived seating next to each other, she felt a little awkward about Tae, she felt like she betrayed him the last weekend.

"Tae, I know I have been saying this the whole week" he turned around too looked at her. "I am sorry...I didn't know..."

He sighed. "Jisoo" he leaned a little to her side. "This is like the fourth time you said it, it is ok...it was actually funny..."

"But..." he put his index finger over her lips.

"Don't worry, I am really getting over it."

"That's what I am talking about, bro!" Jimin shook Taehyung's shoulders with his hands. "So what about Sowon? When it's the second date?"

"Oh, jinja! When?!" Jisoo looked as curious as Jimin.

He hummed and then make eyes movements like if he was trying to remember something "We haven't really talked about a second date, but it will happen eventually"

"Aigo, you are so slow man...." Jimin reproached him putting away his hands from his friend's shoulders. She then looked at Jisoo. "And you what?! You have a boyfriend but never talk about it."

Her facial expression was disgusted. "Excuse me? Just because you are my friends doesn't mean I have to tell you everything about my relationship"

Jimin grinned. "That's because nothing is happening in your relationship"

She frowned her eyes and even raised her chest. "What are you talking about?"

"Jungkookie has told me everything, you haven't spent any single night this whole week with your boyfriend because you are seeing your tutor."

LIFE IS US.   *Blacktan*  [HIATUS]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu