[Taennie]Vanish Into Thin Air

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It has been several days since Taehyung dropped Jennie at her house, now that he lives with her sister he thought that he would found her time to time, but that wasn't the case. He hasn't seen her since that day neither school, even though that was what both practically wanted, it still feels a little odd for him, it was like she vanished into thin air, Jisoo never mentioned and even her family neither Noona nor her nephew mention her name. It was like she really disappeared.

Now he was in front of her house looking at each window to see just a little hint of her and be able to calm his mixed-up feelings for just for a couple days, if he could see her through one of the windows and know that she is fine, he could leave and no one would ever know that he was so worried about her.

He sighed several times, licking and biting his lips, hesitating about knocking or not, he breathed in and out taking courage I should have drank a bottle of soju...this would be so much easier if I was a little tipsy. Why was so hard to knock or push the button? He has been inside there, he slept there... it was just terrifying.

He was about to encourage himself when he feels someone's hand in his arm, he turned quickly scared of being caught by the cat-eyed girl, but it was an old lady- Taehyung bowed and greeted her as expected.

"Are you friends with Kim's daughter?" she asked politely but with a tone of worrisome.

"Well I am not exactly her friend" he paused try in to explain himself. "We are classmates".

"I see I thought maybe you knew where she is, she hasn't come her home in days, I know because she always asked me if I want anything from the convince store, and she hasn't appeared in a while"

"Is that so?" his stomach started hurting, she was really gone and nobody knew where she left.

"Well she probably went to his parents, they traveled a lot and maybe she is with them now" the lady tried to solve the enigma quickly at seen the petrified expression Taehyung has.

And that really relieved his heart just a little bit, if it was truth Joy or Kai must know, he was determined to ask her at first thing in the morning.


He was walking back and forth on the 2nd grader's hall, he didn't know which was her classroom neither if she was supposed to have classes in other parts of campus. A girly giggling was coming from a few classrooms behind him, there she was the troublesome friend of his unrequited love.

"Taehyung-ssi! What a surprise!!" she shouted waving at him!!

He dropped a little his head embarrassed because she practically made that all people in the hallway looked at him, he approached her hesitantly.

"Sunbae if you are here looking for her, well she isn't here..." she told him with a grin that he didn't like at a lot.

"I know, I came to talk to you" he could see that she was taken back.

"Oh...sunbae I never thought you were a two timer...you look so loyal" she approached him in a flirty way.

"Don't get me wrong, the only reason I came to talk to you is her" He clenched his jaw disliking the attitude of her towards him.

She chuckled and gave him a mischievous smile. "Do you think I don't know that? I was just messing around" she paused and started playing with the pen she had in her hand bitting it. "You are worried about her right? because you haven't seen her in days"

The blush came to Taehyung's face and he coughed. "Is just that we have a neighbor in common and she asked me about Jennie that's all"

Joy laughed. "I am sure is just that" she really enjoyed making people uncomfortable.

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