[Yoonsoo / Jinji] A Tissue of Lies

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Jisoo tightened the grip around Yoongi waist, even if this was the third time that she was riding his bike, it stills scared the hell out of her. However he seemed to enjoy it, every time she squeezed him he just increased the speed, making her scream and tighten it even more.

"Kim...Just open the eyes" He told her at the red light.

"I can't" she shuddered, provoking a grin on Yoongi's face.

"If you do it, I'll treat you with chicken" The light went green again and the vroom of his bike was all what they could hear.

Jisoo was so afraid, but she loved chicken, she'd be crazy if she rejected Yoongi's idea. She slowly opened her eyes, the breeze hit her a little so she closed them again, but she tried to open them again and saw the view, the lights of the city, the cars next to them, it was magical, just like the first time. "I think you owe me that chicken sunbae" she told to him put her lips next to his ears.

He grinned for himself. "Fried chicken then".

They were already near to Jisoo's house when she told him to leave her two blocks away. She did the same yesterday she was so afraid of two things, the first one was that Yoongi realized what kind of person she was based on the facade of her house, she didn't want him to treat her differently just because she was...well the daughter of the shopping center and a hospital owners. The second one was obvious, if her mom or dad see her on a bike with the most reckless boy of campus well, they could even dare to send her abroad to finish her friendship with him.

"See ya Kim" he said while Jisoo grabbed her stuff.

"Good night sunbae" she was about to go in her fake house when an arm grabbed her. Jisoo turned around and looked at Yoongi, it was hard for her to look at his eyes when he was wearing the helmet. "Yes sunbae?"

There was a few seconds of silence, then he took a strand of her hair and put it behind her ear, the sudden act made her blushed intensively, she never expected this. Then his hand was about to caress her cheek when he quickly raised his hand and ruffled her hair.

"YAA!" Jisoo tried to fix her hair and pouted.

He smirked. "Good night Kim". Jisoo just saw him until he disappears from her sight.

She sighed, suddenly the door of the house opened, she turned to see the elegant halmoni in front of her. "How long have you been lying to your boyfriend girl?"

"I ...I...he is not my boyfriend?!!"She was so perplexed by the sudden question.

The ajumma crossed her arms "He is not? what a waste then". The blush was still in Jisoo's cheeks.

"Sorry for bothering you Halmoni, we won't park here again" she apologized while bowing.

"Come on you are the only interesting thing that happens to me all day" the Halmoni pointed out while taking some steps forward to Jisoo. "You are better than my k-drama of 8:00 pm"

Jisoo giggled a little, she was glad that she was a cool halmoni and not a whiny one.

"You can park here as you wish" she smiled at Jisoo. "But what keeps thinking is, why  are you telling him that you lived here?"

Jisoo felt speechless. "Well  halmoni..... I...." she couldn't find a reasonable excuse.

"I know you, you are the beloved daughter of the Kims, Am I right?"

"Yes Halmoni" she rubbed her nape like if she was just caught.

"See this "friend" of yours" she emphasized skeptically the word friend. "I bet your parents won't like you to hang out with him."

LIFE IS US.   *Blacktan*  [HIATUS]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt