[JoyHope] Give The Cold Shoulder

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"Hyung, What is your ideal type" A newbie asked the third grader with the long face who was eating chicken with chopsticks.

"mmmmmh..." He replied by let him know that he was thinking,, and as soon as he finished chewing he responded "A girl with long hair and that wear sneakers, I don't really like glamorous outfits, she has to be energetic and she should only see me".

"Wooah, Hoseok-ssi you are very picky" a third grader from the other class said..

"Then Sooyoung-ssi won't be your type for sure!" the boy who started the conversation exclaimed without caring about how uncomfortable the girl could feel.

"Ya! What's wrong with you?" The boy with plump lips scolded him.

"It's ok Namjoon sunbae-nim" Sooyoung didn't want that the night would got ruined by something like this, besides it was true; she had short hair  but not enough, she was wearing a sparkling sweater and a pair of chunky heel boots, she wanted to dressed the best possible to give a good impression to his new coach and subae-nims, it was the third week of her new second year she didn't know what to expect, she was the only girl in the group and now she thought she got overdressed, besides that, she was so shy since she arrived, she was very timid, she was scared; she was the opposite of all aspect that Hoseok mentioned before, is not that she cared, she just needed to pointed out for herself.


Sooyoung was there looking at Momo who was being trained by Hoseok sunbae, she was wearing black leggings and a loose white shirt, after a few minutes she knotted in a sensual way, making Sooyoung smirked and rolled her eyes. If she wasn't my friends I would think that was bitchy, oh wait I just thought it. She laugh for herself.

"Joy, are you getting crazy " Her friend from the other class Jennie asked her while sitting beside her. "Namjoon sunbae hasn't arrived?'"

"Do you see him?" Joy was being a little sarcastic, she didn't know why but every single time that Hoseok sunbae was near her, she had this bitch attitude.

"Don't fight over me" a deep voice clarified while approaching the two girls who were sitting in the grass under a tree. A soon as he dropped his bag he turned his body and yelled his friend " J-hope!" but he didn't answered.

"He won't pay attention to you" Joy stood up and cleaning her legs of the dirt. "He is too busy doing his coaching" she emphazised the last word with some air quotes. This made Jennie and Namjoon to turn to see each other and confirmed once more that Joy hated J-hope.

They training time passed and as almost all Fridays they went to a bar to eat meat and drink soju. The guys usually invited Yoongi hyung, but if girls where involded he wouldn't go.

"So are you going to perform tomorrow oppa?" Momo asked in a clumsy way to Hoseok.

"Yes, tomorrow at Hwarang's, right Joonie?" He needed the confirmation of Namjoon because he wasn't sure.

"Yup there, would you come to cheer us? " He asked the 3 girls that were with them.

"Of course!! I will be there for you!" Momo exclaimed with a pitchy voice trying to sound that you in plural but making obvious it was singular when she didn't stop looking just at Hoseok.

"I don't know if I would be able to go" Jennie excused herself again, she didn't like night life.

"huh?" Sooyoung had this disgusted face by the action of Momo.

Momo turned to see her friend "You should go! Beside Sungjae like that bar, he would totally go with you".

Hoseok smirked at that comment, he knew very well that Yook Sungjae was the only man that Sooyoung could use the word date , they weren't a couple but they were used to date; Hoseok though that that was ridiculous.

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