[Yoonsoo]Laying In Thick

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The hissing noise was getting louder, but at the same time the only thing she could hear was her own breathing, everything was dark, she was cold, and she was wearing only a summer white dress, her hair was inexplicably wet and she felt like she was wearing tons of stones in her back, her walking was getting sloppier and slow, she didn't even know where she was going but she kept walking until the heavy stones win the battle and made her fall, kneeling.

Everything was dark and gloomy and dim, for an instance the hissing that has been making her company stopped and nothing can be heard... She started hearing some footsteps, they were getting harder every second but even if she turns around to look for the owner of those footsteps she couldn't see a thing.

"Jisoo" someone was calling her... "Jisoo" the voice was soothing and really deep. "Jisoo" she hears it again like a whisper, now she was getting scared what if ...What if someone wants to hurt her? she gasped realizing that the tip of the shoes of that person was just under her face under beside her kneeling body, she gulped and hesitate before raising her face to see who was there, she gasped as soon as she locked her eyes with him.

"How could you? How could you think I am this stupid Kim Jisoo?. Did you think you can make a fool of me?" the voice wasn't soothing any more, it was aggressive and upset.


"Am I one of your toys? Did you think is so easy to make a trick on me? Oh, poor Jisoo!!! The victim is you not me, right?" The voice was getting angrier.

Some other footsteps could be heard she turned around and saw another familiar face, for a moment she felt relieved, she tried to hold the hand of the person but he took it away.

"Jinyoung Op--"

He made a sarcastically facial gesture "Oppa?, don't dare to call me like that, I trusted you Kim Jisoo, we were supposed to be the loveliest couple of campus but you. You betrayed me..."

"Please don't say that!!" the tears were falling on her face.

"How you like that Jisoo? This is what you wanted" Yoongi said furiously.

"Dot even mind to talk to me anymore" Jinyoung's voice sound hurt and agitated.

Jisoo couldn't take it anymore, the tears have already gotten her dress wet from her chest "Please don't leave!!" she heard them laughed. "None of you PLEASE!!" she screamed as if her life depended on it a chirring sound full her eyes and didn't let her think straight....

She opened her eyes, panting, she realized in a fraction of seconds that she was staring at the ceiling of her room, she placed her hand in her chest trying  to calm down, while the other was wiping the sweat from her forehead....It was the fourth time she had this kind of nightmare, she knew that avoiding both of them wasn't the best way to solve it, but she didn't have the courage to face them.

She really thought that Jinyoung wasn't getting it, he really believed that she had the flu and that, that was the excuse she has been missing school, he has been sending her multiple lovely text asking her how she feels, how was she doing, if she was getting better, too remind her how much she loves her. And she loved it, she loved this amazing boyfriend she had, but at the same time she felt bad, she couldn't help but thinking in her tutor, he was the extreme opposite. He just sent her one text that literally said—when are you getting your ass here Kim? — That was three days ago and he never texted her again.

Her phone started ringing it was Jinyoung, her lovely Jinyoung


"Jisoo!! Good morning my love! How are you feeling?" his voice always melts her heart just a little bit.

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