[Taennie] Pull the Plug

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Hi everyone! This is like part two of the previous chapter. It was too long so I divide it.


She started running like crazy, he was getting hurt the whole way, and she ran until a parked car stopped him. She almost felt too when she stopped running and was pulled by gravity. He was so badly injured. He got bruises in all his face, his knees were bleeding and had a lot of scrapes in his hands.

She went bent quickly to help him, he looks so drunk....

"Kim Jennie" He called me by my name. "Why?" He smirked. "Why you're still in my heart? I HAVE TRIED ALL!!!" after screaming the last sentence, he spat blood and fainted in my arms.

Great....she started patting his face trying to make him wake up. "Taehyung-ssi" His face was a mess, she needed to go to the hospital.

He opened his eyes, he smiled at seeing her "Am I dreaming?" he groaned. "I thought Jennies wasn't appearing in my dreams anymore. I guess I am wrong".

She blushed. "Taehyung-ssi this isn't a dream, I am going to call an ambulance, I think you may break you something".

"NO please!!" He tried to stand up. "I am ok".

"Then let me call your sister"

"Never! She will kill me." stood up with several difficulties. "I am fine" He tried to take a step but he staggered.

Jennie stood up quickly to catch him before he fell to the ground. He was so drunk. "Taehyung-ssi, we need to go to your sister's"

He put his arm around her shoulders to try to have balance" No Jennie, no! "He squeezed her shoulder. "I prefer that you leave me here".

She put one of her arms around his waist and the other holding the hand that was in her shoulder. Taehyung-ssi, I won't let you here..... "

He smirked. "Are you worry about me?" He made an excitement vocal sound.

She hummed. "I am not! But......just look at you!! "

"I know" he showed his boxy smile. "I am an attractive man"

She laughed. "More like a wasted man".

They tried to walk. He was feeling so dizzy, the house of his sister was more than 8 blocks away. He had bruises in his whole body and he looked really tired, he was about to faint again.

"Taehyung-ssi" she called him firmly in his ears, so he could wake up a little.

He opened his eyes and look at her "It's you again, hi Jendukie!"

She rolled her eyes Jasso unnie was the only one that called her by that name. She obviously has used it in his presence. "I will regret this..." she held him tightly. "Let's go to my house."

"Your house?!!" he started laughing out loud he even scared Jennie "I could have never get your phone number, but we are going to your home".

"Well then I am going to throw you here" She was about to release him, when he embraced her with his free hand. "Hey!" His face was so close to hers, his alcoholic breath was covering her skin, a scar in his cheek was noticeable for her, it was the first time she paid attention to it and she suddenly had the urge to caress it. She tried to raise her gaze to look at him, she held her breathe, and just pulled him roughly "Let's go!"

They started walking up-hill, Taehyung was the whole way making complaining sounds, she tried to convince him to go to the hospital but he refused every time she asked.

They were at the front door, it was a small white house, with a black fence, staircase outside to get in. Taehyung look at her. "I always thought that your house would be fact, just like you". She just looked at him with a confused expression. "The fact that your house is simply and look cozy just makes me feel more attracted to you" he chuckled and look at her.

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