[Taennie] Get On My Nerves

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The raindrops started running vertically down across the window, the constant downpour with the gentle splashes of rain water turned in to rough ones. She quickly stood up and closed the window next to her seat and put on her jacket, she embraced her backpack laying her head on window; she scanned the bus again, finally she closed her eyes to rest a little.

A week has passed and he hasn't got on the bus, she has barely seen him, just when he is walking with his friends crossing the gardens to their classrooms; That feeling of being observed minimized, being alert wasn't anymore a necessity, maybe getting off the bus when he got on was cruel and childish but was the only way to make Taehyung stop stalking her.

It was time to get off, the rain stopped and now it was just a bit of drizzle, she started walking home, but then she remembered she wanted to buy some snacks so she just put on the hoodie and start walking to the convenient store.

It is hard to choose chocolate-mint or strawberry cookies both sound delicious, she thought while looking back and forward to each of the package, she heard the noise of the plastic behind the aisle were she was; maybe some chips!. She turned to the salad snacks aisle, her eyes got bigger and her heart fast her beat. What the....!! What is he doing here? He seemed to have the same problem as her, it seemed he couldn't choose between the variety of chips, Jennie just turned herself again in the other aisle trying to make her heartbeat slow.

She heard his steps and trying to hide between products, she followed him with the eyes to his way to the cashier, he paid and left, she sighed; she just picked the strawberry ones and went quickly like if she was in a hurry to the cashier.

"₩400" The boy said

"Yes, just a minute" she didn't have time to take out her wallet, so she opened her bag to take it, it wasn't were she usually leave it so she started opening the other zips, her eyes winded; her wallet wasn't there, she started thinking were could it be, de she dropped it when she got on the bus? At school?

"₩400" The boy said but now anxiously

"I ...I won't" she stuttered while looking again through her backpack

"I'll take this" that husky voice. She looked at his hand and the money and how he gave it to the boy, she raised her face to see him, he just gave her a smirk and left the store, leaving her like he always do, speechless.

She got out quickly trying to catch him up but he just disappeared, she looked to the package, now she wouldn't be able to eat them, how? She put them in the bottom of her backpack and walked her way home.

The image of a strawberry beside a cookie was now part of her mind, since she arrived home, she laid en her bed and contemplate the package. How some random cookies could be now one of her worries, is he stalking me again? Why was he near my neighborhood? Why did he come back to save me? All time that she passed relaxing about him and not being around, gather into this moment making her pretty anxious again.

Her mom called her to have dinner, she didn't speak at all, she just rewound in her head that husky deep voice; she prepare herself to sleep and gave a last glance to those strawberry cookies.

- 0 -

"What did you do to the poor Tae?" Jisoo questioned the cat eye girl while they were taking lunch at the gardens.

"What are you talking about?" Jennie tried to avoid Jisoo's eyes even when she knew she did nothing.

"I mean, he hasn't brought you up in any conversation quite long¨ she replied taking on her hands her chopsticks "maybe he is just over you" she guessed before starting eaten.

LIFE IS US.   *Blacktan*  [HIATUS]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin