Chapter 37 Season 4 episode 19 American Dreamer

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At CATCO, It is late and Kara is writing up all of her notes on Lex Luthor finding out any clues to what he is planning. Down below there is a commotion with children of liberty trying to cause trouble and Nia can stop them with Brainy on coms. The DEO come to the scene and Nia leaves before they get here and the agents see the message on their foreheads saying 'Sleeping Beauty.' to the men's confusion. Brainy and Nia are at J'onn's office and he tries to tell dreamer to extra cautious due to the Alien Amnesty Act being revoked, Nia calls him out saying is he worried for her and Brainy admits he is. Nia asks him to help her and in return, he tells her they may be arrested as Ben Lockwood is overusing his powers and arresting aliens that may mean harm when they are not. Brainy is a hologram and leaves to join James, Kelly, Alex, and Lena trying to save James from being as the symptoms worsen. Brainy mentions that there may be a way to help and mentions the Mind Palace. Kara is working through the paperwork and starts to write her notes on the window and all the clues as well to try and work out what is going on. She finds a note from Eve for James and his investigation about the Back budget and goes to find poor Franklin on the floor on the phone talking to his sister who works at AmerTech. They chat about her investigation and asks if his sister will talk to him, Nia joins him and they talk about why is sleeping here and he explains that Lockwood invaded the block near him and he is scared. Kara asks him to ask his sister to talk to her and Nia follows her to the office and they talk to her coming back to the field and that people are scared, Kara is saying she isn't coming out due to people's opinions on her.

Brainy informs the group about the Mind Palace "It is a space in his mind and help strengthen his mind to control the attacks." The Haren-El is meant to remove any illness and disease and in this instance, it is attacking his PTSD which is causing him issues. He produces a head device "This allowed me to tap into Supergirl's mind when Reign almost killed her 2 Years ago and this should help James also." Brainy tells him he will assist him to better control his powers. Lockwood is doing a raid and arrest an alien with his family looking in horror, his wife tries to stop him and is angry when Lockwood doesn't listen. George Lockwood watches and starts to feel sorry for them and Ben reminds him that they aren't human but only roaches, he asks a child of Liberty to take George on a raid to remind him of the work they do.

Kara and Amy are in a mall waiting for Franklin's sister Edna, she hears a commotion and a man tries to run away with a lady purse and punches him with her elbow to stop him. She hears a voice and it's Edna "Kara Matthews I'm Franklin's sister Edna It is a pleasure to meet you and this must be Amy, Franklin has told me so much about you both." They grab a coffee and a juice box for Amy and sit down. Edna tells them how much badly AmerTech is and that they are installing Alien detection devices next week and she is super worried this means to them all. Kara asks to get access and assures her that they can work together and stop this from happening she even tells her that Franklin has been telling her how brave she has been getting rid of all personal files of all aliens and she wants the people who need help justice. At L-Corp, Brainy is getting prepared to enter James' mind, Kelly thanks Alex for being here, and Brainy enters James to mind. At the first level, they are at the Daily Planet and they hear children coming in and come to attack him, James retaliates by using heat vision and Brainy calms him down and he and James enter a room with a young man looking over a coffin its James' dad inside he wakes up. Kara quickly drops Amy with Nia and goes to AmerTech with Edna to look through the files, She finds a file for a Sebastian Melmoth and before looking at it some men try to come in, and Kara freeze breaths the door shut Edna is scared and leaves. Lena is trying to extract the Haren-El and it explodes instead, Lena is upset with the device.

Brainy, James, and Kelly are talking about what happened and Brainy thinks it's his memory but in fact, it isn't real as unfortunately, James was unable to go to his father's funeral as he was locked in a bathroom across the street. Brainy determines that this may be something that his mind playing tricks on him, Kelly walks off and Alex joins her and tries to help Kelly admits to her that the memories are an issue for her and brings back bad memories for her. She was eight years old and James promised he would be there for her and it caused a rift between them both. Alex tries to reassure her that they both are similar and they both care about people.

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