Chapter 43 Season 5 episode 2 Stranger Beside Me

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The next morning Kara and Mon-El wake up they have breakfast together and the two of them go to work. Outside a lady is consumed in her mobile device and not paying attention to her surrounding, she crosses the road and nearly gets hit but thanks to Kara flying in and she saved a massive accident not happening. She sees an advertisement of Obsidian North taking an election update. Alex makes Kelly breakfast and she finds out that Kelly is allergic to blueberries to Alex's shock as she didn't know that. Nia wakes up to Brainy making her breakfast and she is extremely happy as it's her favorite. She tells him also that this is the best morning ever and kisses him on the cheek as a thank you.

Kara and James are walking with coffee in their hand and Kara is mentioning about Obsidian advertisement. "Thank Rao she didn't buy CATCO, she would use this to her advantage." James updates her on his plans now he left CATCO, one of the options of being a senator. They go to J'onn office and find him on the floor, they contact Alex, Brainy, and Mon-El to come to check on him Alex gives some medicine and tells them why he is in pain. In the early days of Mars, there were two brothers: Phobos and Deimos. Their rivalry and bloodshed were the reason for the split of the Green and White Martians. To prevent this ever happening again, a curse was placed on the Green Martians. We called it Fa'ra'too'rik. It is the punishment for brother attacking brother."Kara and the others are shocked "But you've never mentioned having a brother." "I never knew of one." J'onn is worried that this causing to much pain and there is no cure, Brainy informs them that they can use q-waves only in the future. Alex tells them that the Obsidian North uses them to help people and J'onn decides to get Kelly's help. Kara checks the time and sees that she is late for the editorial meeting.

In a secret location, Malefic reports back to a White Martian and tells him what happened between him and J'onn. In Lena's lab, She is told that it's morning and talking to her A. I about the lenses of Obsidian North and that she can use them to help change people's minds about attacking people. Hope tells her that her subject is awake and it Eve,

Kelly begins to work with J'onn and with James outside he has placed the lenses on.

Kara comes into CATCO and is met with Nia who has Amy "Lena bought her here earlier and had to leave as she had things to do." Kara, Nia, and Amy come into the meeting "My apologies for the wait had a family emergency to deal with." She is presented with Tablets Franklin explains they are from Andrea as a gift William explains that his old job he didn't get these Franklin tells him that he thought his wife is a lawyer. Kara "We all have different things to talk about Nia I would like you to cover the Fashion page." Nia agrees "Anyone else has any ideas come to me and we will take it from there." Kara and Nia walk out "I will let Andrea know that we are grateful with the tablets I think it will help us out more with posting the articles." Kara and Amy go down a floor "Andrea." "Kara good to see you how are you, Hello Amy." Amy gives her a wave "Thank you so much for the gifts I am sorry I was dealing with an emergency." Andrea "Your welcome I saw that you didn't have a lot of technology and I thought as a great way of you expanding CATCO." Kara "It was kind of you as soon we do well we will pay you back." Andrea gives her a look "Don't even think about it, I am going to help CatCo by being one of your sponsors, I heard from Lena that L-Corp is also helping." Kara nods her head "Yes she is and we will very grateful for the help." Kara leaves to return to work. 

Kelly begins to work with J'onn and with James outside he has placed the lenses on. With Lena Eve begs her to let her go she didn't want to betray her she had no choice. Eve explains that she was recruited at 16 and they forced her to work for them.

Kara is doing her rounds and she sees Nia has been sent hundreds of Sushi from Brainy and asks to have some. Nia goes to get some information and finds William there, she isn't happy to see him there. At the DEO Brainy, Mon-El and Alex are going through any data for Malefic and Brainy is happy and explains that he gave Nia a great breakfast and now he sent her a great lunch. Alex is acting weird and lets him know what happened with her and Kelly this morning. "When I and Kara started dating I made sure that I knew everything she loved even when we were separated I remembered everything, communication is the best key to understand what your loved one loves."

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