Chapter 49 Season 5 episode 8 The Wrath of Rama Khan

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Mon-El, Brainy, and Alex come to the Fortress seeing that Kara is stuck in the trap and is unconscious. Brainy deactivates the trap, "Kara, Kara you ok." Mon-El quickly injects her with a yellow sun shot which wakes her up and she gets up"Mon-El thank you for saving me." Alex asks what happened and Kara explains what Lena did and that she took Myriad. They find her location at Mount Norquay which is an old Lex hideout.

At Mount Norquay, Lena and Hope are preparing to launch Non-Nocere, she tells Hope well done for bringing all the equipment there fast an alarm goes off. It's Kara and Mon-El they have come here to talk to Lena and try to talk, Suddenly guns come out and shoot her and luckily they miss her then the guns load with Kryptonite, Hope cant deactivate it and Lena can do it before killing Kara. She reminds Hope that they don't kill people, Kara vows not to give up on her.

Rama Khan returns to the base with Gamemnae waiting for him to ask what happened. Rama Khan tells her that he wants to talk to the boss and Gamemnae warns him that his actions have begun whispers that he is incapable of completing the missions anymore. They are deciding on a new leader Tezemack instead of Rama Khan which angers him and he explains that he could set fire to the entire earth if he is charged. Rama Khan has been in charge for over 2 million years, Gamemnae assures him that she believes in his ways and that she wants him to carry out the mission and hopefully they will succeed. The planets will align for the first time in 2,000 years and Rama Khan wiped out Pompeii. Gamemnae gives him his staff to go and do something massive and using the powers of Acrata as well to help him.

At the DEO, Kara asked Brainy to see if he can get a communication down to Lena. Alex is confused about what has been happening. Kara explains that Lex tried to tell Lena the truth that she was Supergirl and Lena backed her up saying that she already knew. Lena killed Lex to protect us all and she then stole Myriad from under us to try and fix the world she believes is evil. Kara believes that she can get through to Lena. J'onn joins them saying he knows what Lena's true intention is and Malefic joins them. Straight everyone gets defensive and aims the guns at all of them, Malefic explains that Lena kept him, Prisoner. They cuff him and ask him how he escaped the Phantom Zone, Malefic tells them he didn't go there he ended up in a secret lab instead. J'onn tells them that Lena was the one who helped Brainy fix the Phantom Zone projector she must have been able to change the destination. Malefic goes on to tell them that she wanted to use his powers to intercept and this could cause her to control the world. Kara defends Lena as she may not be doing it to be evil, Alex is unsure about this and that she could do anything with this power. Malefic tells them that he wanted to kill his brother but Lena convinced him this is the wrong way.

At CatCo, Andrea is looking at a photo of her and Russell and is joined by Rama Khan. He asks for her help and Andrea tells him she quits, Rama Khan uses his powers to subdue and keep her up using the earth's power. He releases Andrea and she reluctantly agrees and he tells her if she helps him she will be released. On the floor is the picture of her and Russell Rama Khan promises also that her father will be safe.

At the DEO, Brainy can use the Hologram to talk to Lena. Lena gets Hope to check everything and the hologram comes to her. "Lena" "Kara" Kara tries to warn Lena not to use Myriad and that her plans to Myriad and Malefic Q-waves. Lena tries to convince her that she is trying to do good, Kara tells her that this is the wrong path and Lex convinced her that Kara and the world are evil. "Kara, I know you are not evil and the same with our friends but other people are evil and I want to help them." Kara looks at her with tears "I understand the need to help people that Myriad is used to make people feel nothing." Lena switches off the Hologram, Kara looks on in tears she comes down the podium into Mon-El's arms he takes her away.

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