Chapter 10 Season 3 episode 16 Of Two minds

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Kara and Mon-El bring one of the dead pigeons to Alex to examine the Bird and determine what happened and how it was killed, she checks it and determines it wasn't caught by the bird to bird. Imra and Mon-El straight away know it was infected by the Blight as they witnessed this occurrence in the future. Imra says that it will soon go into humans and they have the cure inside their DNA and they can extract it and weaponize it to kill Pestilence, Kara straight away tells her they can't kill her as she doesn't kill people no matter how evil they are. Then an obscure man walks into the lab and no one recognizes him apart from Mon-El and Imra telling them that it is Brainy, Brainy explains that he has an image inducer and that he tried to go to a store and caused a riot. Winn comes in and informs them that the mayor's office is now infected also, Kara tells the Legionnaire to get the cure ready now as there are human victims and she assures Imra that they will get her, gives Mon-El a quick kiss and they all head off to the mayor office.

At the Mayor's office, they talk to the victims to get intel on how they got infected and the mayor tells them it suddenly happened and he straight away called for a quarantine to stop the spread. After Alex and Winn speak to one of the doctors and she tells them to lift the quarantine and move the patients to the nearest hospital to get the treatment they agree and hear a commotion outside there is a massive blue forcefield suddenly appears Kara looks around and it was Imra. Kara approaches Imra and tells her to take it down so they can help the victims, Imra tells her that is Pestilence here and she tells her nom, she tells her to go and get the cure extracted while she deals with the problems here.

On the Cruiser, Mon-El and Imra are getting the cure extracted and Mon-El tells her that she shouldn't have gone to City hall she was causing more trouble that they don't need. Imra "Kara is not listening to reason, you need to talk to her as you are together if she doesn't listen then I won't be able to complete the mission I need her help on this." Mon-El "Though we are together, I won't tell Kara to agree to kill the main rule of the legion is that we don't kill that what we all agreed to when we formed to Legion." Imra was finished she walked off not happy with Mon-El and he was contemplating what Imra was saying she may be right about stopping Pestilence but killing is wrong.

At the DEO Kara and Alex are discussing what Imra told her, even though Alex in a way understands what Imra is saying, they need to be working together to stop the Worldkillers Imra may have important intel on defeating her. Winn runs up to them and tells them they may have a lead on who is Pestilence and they should go and check on the person, Kara flies to the destination with J'onn and the DEO agents on their way also. Kara enters the apartment and finds Imra hovering over the body thinking Imra has already killed her she asks what she did and Imra tells her she found her like this that she was a victim not Pestilence and they need to keep searching for her. At the DEO Alex notices that Winn is showing symptoms now and tells them to come back straight away. Brainy meets with them and gives Winn the cure and tries to get Winn to tell him how he got infected and Winn being Winn jokingly describes a movie character and poor Brainy fell for it. James turns up as he heard that Winn is ill, he asks if they have any news about that he can tell people as a lot of people are panicking as they don't know what to do, J'onn tells him that the cure is on its way.

Kara sees Imra walk by and goes to talk to her telling her why did she go behind her back to try to find Pestilence. Imra tells her she had no choice and that she needs to do this as she no choice, Kara tells her that everyone has a choice killing is not the right thing. She tells Kara that she fails in this period and the Blight still happens and she falls, and to prevent this happening she will kill Pestilence, Imra walks off. J'onn sees what happened and checks on Kara to make sure she is fine and Kara asks him do you think she will succeed in saving the human side J'onn tells her he doesn't know what will happen. On the Legion ship Imra meets up with Mon-El and they discuss what happened between Kara and Imra, Mon-El tells her that Kara is right and that they shouldn't kill Pestilence and he bought her back here "You told me that you bought us here to save the baby and you lied to me so it's your fault that this happened between you and Kara. Imra storms off, Brainy comes in and tries to help and Mon-El asks him why they didn't tell him the truth and Brainy said that he didn't think he would be ok to do the mission. Brainy gets an alert that Winn is having a seizure and that the cure isn't working.

They go to the DEO, and Winn can stabilize because Alex gives him some medicine, Brainy works out that they need Pestilence's DNA to alter the cure to work and cure the victims. Suddenly Alex collapses and she is now infected, they place her on the bed and Mon-El comes up to Kara as moral support and they watch as Alex is getting worse Kara starts to cry and Mon-El gives her a hug to help support her and Imra watches them from the window she is also crying. After a while they both come down to the control room and tells Brainy they are getting worse is there any news about Pestilence Brainy tells them that he has tried everything and there is nothing and then Kara tells him to check social media and Brainy has no clue what it is so Kara checks it out and they see that the doctor who was talking Winn and Alex at city hall was there 24 hours before and could have infected everyone they find out her name is Dr. Grace Parker. They find out where she is at and Mon-El joins her while leaving Brainy informs Imra that they have found her and gives her the location.

Mon-El and Kara go to the location to find Grace they find her and stop her from infecting people. Imra turns up also to try to kill Mon-El tells her to let Kara try to talk to her, Kara nearly gets to her but she prefers being a Worldkiller and refuses to be human she goes to attack and Mon-El and Imra defend her. They nearly have the upper hand until Pestilence scratches her to infect her and she falls to the ground and Mon-El goes to her before Pestilence goes to attack him she gets stuck in a force field by Imra she uses her powers to inject her with the antivirus to try and kill her and it worked until Purity turned up and they flew away. Imra was able to get her DNA to use for the cure and while Mon-El helped Kara up she fell back and had a seizure, Mon-El placed Kara down on the ground and he and Imra were unsure what just happened. He contacted the DEO and he picked her up and flew straight to the DEO and called for Doctor Hamilton and Brainy and he explained what had happened.

 He contacted the DEO and he picked her up and flew straight to the DEO and called for Doctor Hamilton and Brainy and he explained what had happened

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They quickly changed Kara into a hospital gown and quickly got the cure inside of her Kara woke up unsure of what just happened so Mon-El tells her. Doctor Hamilton examined "Kara and it wasn't the virus that made her have a seizure it was the Placenta that gives their daughter nutrients have slowly come away from the uterus and it caused a seizure, I think we may need to do a C-section to get the baby out safely." Kara started crying she was terrified that she will lose the baby. Mon-El "Kara don't worry it will be ok" Kara cried out in pain and had another seizure so Doctor Hamilton needed to incubate her. Mon-El watched on scared for both Kara and his daughter. There was beeping noise that indicated that the baby heart rate was dropping they took Kara to surgery to go the c-section, Mon-El was inside waiting for news on his daughter and Kara and luckily as soon as she came out she let out a massive cry, Doctor Hamilton decided to wake Kara up so she could see her and as soon as Kara saw her daughter she cried. They activated the yellow sun lamps to heal Kara and moved her into another where Imra, Brainy, Alex, Winn, J'onn, James and even Lena there waiting and Kara and Mon-El knew her name already Mon-El "Everyone I would like to introduce Amelia Alexandria Sara Matthews or Amelia Mon-El our daughter but everyone can call her Amy for short." Kara "We named after two brave warriors of mine Alex and our good friend Sara from Earth 1." everyone was happy to meet her she was so cute.

Then Lena told everyone that Reign is Sam Arias they look on in horror they thought that Sam was capable of doing so much evil.

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