Chapter 22 Season 4 episode 4 Ahimsa

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A few hours later Kara is slowly getting better and Mon-El, J'onn, Amy, Alex, Lena, and James are standing around her discussing what to do next. Alex "We need to get rid of the Kryptonite in the air and get Kara back." Mon-El "Brainy will you and Lena figure a plan and get rid of it as soon as possible please." Lena "Don't worry we will succeed we will get her back." J'onn breaks a part of the shelf in anger and storms out of the room, Mon-El follows him out "J'onn are you ok don't worry we will save her don't worry." J'onn is upset as he wasn't able to help Kara when she asked for help and he is annoyed at himself for refusing. Mon-El tells him that he can help her now by trying to use his psychic powers to locate the Graves and Jenson to stop them.

At the DEO, Kara awakens inside the suit, which controls on and shows an Iron Man-like heads-up show. She starts to get angry being confined and Mon-El and Alex are filling Kara in on the suit and telling her that she has to stay inside it to keep her alive "Is Amy ok she wasn't infected as well as she." Mon-El "Babe don't worry thanks to her Daxamite genes she was able to withstand the exposure." Then a DEO specialist comes in and educates her another operator has turned to assist the Graves, Alex tries to find out if they are still there, and to their horror, they are not there anymore. The Graves have murdered the new specialist saying he's the last detail.

J'onn comes back to his home when he's gone up against by Fiona's life partner Manchester Black. Manchester is worried that J'onn is causing trouble and J'onn shows him that he is an alien and so he means no harm. Manchester straight away tells him he means no harm he is worried about Fiona and asks him where she is. J'onn "Unfortunately I don't know where she is I know she may be in trouble and this man may be the reason she is missing." Manchester tells him he will try to help him locate her.

The Graves' and Agent of Liberty have taken two of the metahumans that were being put away at the DEO and have them tied up in their den. Using some type of tech they can control the metahumans to their control. The mysterious Agent Liberty tells them they are going to cause more trouble.

Alex assembles a conference with the whole DEO and addresses them about the ongoing occasions and that she believes in everyone and that this what we all signed up for. Mon-EL "These people want to cause fear in everyone believing that Aliens are the major problem that we should defend ourselves against each other. Look at Supergirl because she is defending all of us that the Graves use that to their advantage we are all one." Alex nods her head in agreement, "We may have no Supergirl at the moment we still have Valor and also Brainy who are former members of the Legion of Superheroes and they stayed here to help us defend the earth, we should do the same for a Humans and Aliens."

Manchester Black's having a beverage at the bar Fiona used to visit. Dark gets one of the bar's benefactors alcoholic and the supporter someone who works with Mercy raves — in the end, uncovers Mercy is wanting to assault a cop area. J'onn shows up, catches the intel, and passes it along to Alex and the DEO.  Alex, J'onn, Mon-El, and Manchester Black show up at the police division and prevent the assault from one of the metahumans the Graves are controlling. During the battle, Kara also shows up and tries to help and it doesn't work and she collapses to the ground, Mon-El comes up to her checking her worried for his wife, He flies her to the DEO to get checked out. Outside, the gathering examines the way that they think Fiona is being held to control the catch metahumans.

One of Alex's subordinates approaches and discloses to her the President needs to talk with her. On a voice visit, President reams Alex and warns her that if Supergirl is out there again trying to help she'll be supplanted. He tells her to keep Supergirl in DEO until further notice.

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